Read by Council Door Overhaul


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    Currently, there are two very different types of doors.
    -"I goes invisible" "door" blocks
    -"I am a collision nightmare" docked-entity

    ok, there's also gaping unshuttered openings hidden behind area triggers, but that's a WHOLE OTHER level of building. We're ignoring that.

    On to the idea: Door blocks, door rails, and life with logic
    Door blocks:
    -changed to a "slave" system
    -current door blocks remain unchanged BID, stats, but no-longer "go intangible&invisible" on activation. -Instead they now transmit a "high" signal through their "network" the same way the "go invisible" command is sent,
    -Might even get converted to "textured hull"

    "Door Rails"
    -new BID,
    -added to pickup rail multislot
    -Is both master AND slave system
    -one block is designated "master" with "c" selection,
    -it may then "V" connect to Door blocks, and other "door rails", as well as logic
    -The "C" "master rail" is designated "closed state" and acts as an "anchor" relative to all "door blocks"
    -The "C" master rail receives "state information" from it's "V" doors
    -the "C" master-rail propagates "permissions" it receives from a P or F module touching it to all "V" doors
    -the "V" slave rails are "travel space" and indicate how far all "door blocks" may be shifted, and in what direction, when "open" signal/state is received
    -The "C" master rail outputs state information to any "V" connected logic block
    -both "C" and "V" rails may receive and relay a state-change among themselves from a "C" logic block

    patching holdover: any doors NOT slaved to a rail, be it slave to logic or free-man, still go invisible/intangible. They pop up a nice red "warning obsolete" text in their "open" state.

    Alternative, same outcome: "C" "door rail" may "V" any hull to designate it a "door"

    I envision the actual "doors" to ignore collision and embed in walls/systems in "open" state
    Last edited:
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Interesting idea. Perhaps instead allow for a new type of block, that works with all doors and even forcefields, and defines the locations in which a door can be "stored". In other words, it is a placeholder that takes the texture of an attached door when the door is "closed". Perhaps you can combine this with the rail system you proposed.

    I'd think that the best way to work this rail system is to choose a "master" rail and another special rail, the endpoint rail. The block of the door that starts on the master rail must end on the endpoint, allowing for doors to slide sideways or up or whatever.
    Jan 25, 2015
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    • Wired for Logic
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    Interesting idea. Perhaps instead allow for a new type of block, that works with all doors and even forcefields, and defines the locations in which a door can be "stored". In other words, it is a placeholder that takes the texture of an attached door when the door is "closed". Perhaps you can combine this with the rail system you proposed.

    I'd think that the best way to work this rail system is to choose a "master" rail and another special rail, the endpoint rail. The block of the door that starts on the master rail must end on the endpoint, allowing for doors to slide sideways or up or whatever.
    Forcefields shouldn't be like that because they are fields of energy or something. They aren't actual objects.
    If I understand it correctly, this idea would look like a door that isn't animated right? It just pops up to the correct place. If so, I think this system would be really cool for doors but it shouldn't be forced. Some people are using door blocks for other things like engines and or window shutters.

    Great tags DrTarDIS !
    Last edited:
    Feb 25, 2016
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    The forcefields thing is just in case someone makes like a multi-part door with a forcefield framed in the middle or something like that.

    Yeah, the idea is for the door blocks to move to the correct place, and no, it wouldn't be forced (Ideally).


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    I'd like to see doors reworked somehow, although this system might be more complicated than we really need it to be. Perhaps just animate the opening/closing of doors and add an option of some sort to define which way it slides open.
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    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    I'd like to see doors reworked somehow, although this system might be more complicated than we really need it to be. Perhaps just animate the opening/closing of doors and add an option of some sort to define which way it slides open.
    I think they should emit a logic signal so we can tell if they are open or not, or give use some door monitor block.
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    Aug 14, 2013
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    I'd like to see doors reworked somehow, although this system might be more complicated than we really need it to be. Perhaps just animate the opening/closing of doors and add an option of some sort to define which way it slides open.
    Yeah I agree animated doors would be nice (beyond what we can already do with logic) but I also think the suggestion may be a little over the top.


    Oct 30, 2015
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    Accordion blocks!

    No extra core. Just a block that grows along one axis until it meets another block. Or limit it to 1X2 or 1X3

    Animation of texture along the growth-axis would help sell the gag. simple


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    Accordion blocks!

    No extra core. Just a block that grows along one axis until it meets another block. Or limit it to 1X2 or 1X3

    Animation of texture along the growth-axis would help sell the gag. simple
    In short, this suggestion.