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    1. Runeseer

      Looking for feedback on a fleet submission

      Yep... way late. Would love some feedback on ships I built. Runeseer's Fleet Submission 1
    2. Runeseer

      How does it work? 1 ship & many players

      Simple question I think… How should multiple players on a single ship work? I would assume that players or crew may board a ship, the “captain” would enter the core and pilot the ship to a destination. The players or crew can walk around the interior (and exterior?) as the ship is flying. The...
    3. Runeseer

      For the love of sweet baby Jesus!! (and other Inventory Filtering desires)

      I must be thick, because I just don’t get the inventory filtering feature. What I want: A single storage block where I can dump my entire inventory with an array of “filtered” storage blocks linked that will pull by item category (armor, weapons, resources, like Shops). Please tell me this is...
    4. Runeseer

      Looting… am I doing this right?

      Some context: I am returning to Starmade after a 6 month or so absence and I am adapting to the changes that have taken place. Typically I play on a “survival” PvE server. Previously I would gather necessary loot from farming pirate space stations. I would loot the chests for recipes and angle...
    5. Runeseer

      Questions on how to protect my ship from Tiki Bob

      I have some functionality questions on how the game mechanics work in relation to ship security. I realize the best way to secure your ship is to dock it with your faction base. Preconditions for scenario #1 You are in space (not docked) You are in a ship without a faction module You log out of...
    6. Runeseer

      Trybe Chaos Shipyard proudly presents...

      Chaos Light Corvett 106 mass - 38m length, 13m height, 22m width 96.3 Thrust 9593 Shields 4929.5 e/sec +++Secure_Data _Transmission /START; Tera Fleet Command; Priority_Classification [theta-amber]; REF “suspected pirate activity”; SUB_REF “stolen ship tech”+++ ::MSG_BODY:: Operatives...