Search results

    1. wolfboyft

      Is it possible to change how much power reactors can produce?

      Would like to experiment with rebalancing power to be more of a fuel-based thing, kinda. You know, refuel at stations stuff, because ships can't produce enough power on their own. So uh looked at the block editor, no mention of power generation anywhere. What can I do to implement this massive nerf?
    2. wolfboyft

      Option to disable cities etc

      On planets. Seems odd that everywhere in the universe Has to be potentially inhabited... so a quick config option to disable them would be good imo shops, NPCs, stations etc are already disableable i think?
    3. wolfboyft

      Allow naming of storage units in designs

      Allow naming of storage units in designs When opening a storage unit in a design, you... can't. This means you can't name the inventory. If you could, without opening the actual storage itself, then that'd be cool. We wouldn't have to go through the laborious process of getting the materials...
    4. wolfboyft

      Pirate/Alien Commandos, Police/Navy Factions & Commandos, Citizens, Criminal Records & Auto-Bounties

      Pirate/Alien Commandos, Police & Navy Factions & Commandos, Citizens, Criminal Records & Auto-Bounties. Bullet point form. Add two new (allied) factions—the Police, "the friendly space police"' and the Navy, "protecting citizens against alien invaders." Add faction-less citizens that fly...
    5. wolfboyft

      Actual hyperspace

      Move around fast (but obviously turn at 50 times less ROTATION speed for the sake of destination-plotting, if you know what I mean) in HYPERSPACE!! Bullet point form, because why not. Add jump-drive assistance beams: if inhibitors are the drainers, then assistance beams are the suppliers. Add...
    6. wolfboyft

      Configurable Faction Ships & Customizable Low-Block-Count Decoration Pictures

      I personally believe configurable faction ships & customizable low-block-count decoration pictures would be a great addition to StarMade. First off, what am I talking about? Well, let's do the "configurable faction ships" first. In the catalogue, factions are allowed to set themselves a colour...
    7. wolfboyft

      Rejected Faction wings and faction-less bands

      Faction wings and faction-less bands This suggestion will be in bullet-point form, because why not. Remove the Pirates faction, it kinda makes little sense when you think about it. Make pirates spawn in linked and faction-less groups called 'bands,' which are "attack all except others in the...
    8. wolfboyft

      Planned No more being sucked into ship cores; cockpits!

      No more being sucked into ship cores; cockpits! Warning: a lot of this post is just me splitting hairs and getting really specific and not compressing my text at all. The main paragraph is the first big one (begins with `The player would`.) I believe the fact that we are sucked into a ship...
    9. wolfboyft

      Shipyards on ships allowed if the first docked entity is a station

      Shipyards on ships allowed if the first docked entity is a station. The blocks could be placed on any ship, it's just that to place orders, you'd be forced to have your ship docked to a station. That's literally it (except for the fact that it would no longer work when undocked. No blocks...
    10. wolfboyft

      More build mode helper shapes, and allow the helper to use non-cube blocks too

      More build mode helper shapes, and allow the helper to use non-cube blocks too. This suggestion is about the build helper tool. If it were to include more shapes, like for example, the cuboctahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron and all that good stuff, that'd be cool. If it were to also have a...
    11. wolfboyft

      Different visors & guns—see people's brains with a special visor and shoot them with a special gun!

      More Visors & Guns Visors First, in this suggestion, I'll explain what a visor would be in the game and how it works. The player would get their helmet as usual. In the helmet meta item's info screen, there would be a 'open visors menu' button. This would open a 4-slot inventory. The player...
    12. wolfboyft

      Remove skin texture interpolation

      Nothing is more disgusting for a low-resolution image/texture than interpolation. Ugh. I'd highly recommend that the developers remove all interpolation from skins. It causes all sorts of bleeds from irrelevant parts of the texture image into the actual skin, blurs the image, and makes the...
    13. wolfboyft

      In Developement Procedurally generated NPCs—including ones already of a specific race, like spiders!

      I personally believe that procedurally generated NPCs would be a nice idea. What this means is that all the NPCs in the game would randomly choose one item from a specific set for that particular body part upon that NPC's spawning. Each item would have a monochrome texture and would, after...
    14. wolfboyft

      Concerned and worried question:

      Login to my registry account... when steam is being used to play? Right? Possible? :S
    15. wolfboyft

      Light and Dark - not good and evil, effect computers. They're both cool.

      Light's effect: De-cloak, De-jam and slowly damage blocks around the point of impact. Dark's effect: Freezes crew in black/purple ice, Drain jump charge and slowly open shields at the point of impact. Just a random thought... swish it around in your mouth like you're in a wine tasting club.
    16. wolfboyft

      Starmadedock chat in-game.

      Quite a simple suggestion: Click the chat button in the server chat, to switch chats. Additions like a notification system would be cool too.
    17. wolfboyft

      Seeker missile - target a whole load of enemies, and fire many missiles to each as you need.

      From Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. An idea. In that game, there is an item known as the "Seeker Missiles" upgrade. Anyway, in this suggestion, you basically charge the new block, Seeker Computer. Simply charge it up (takes not too long, about 3 seconds?) and look at all the enemies you want to...
    18. wolfboyft

      Crawling, Crouching, Ducking, dodging, diving, falling, ledge-grabbing, pushing, punching etc.

      This would be a suggestion for astonaut roleplayers, and maybe people who just want to crawl around in that ventilation shaft, or even have diving contests! Or maybe dodging and ducking behind walls in a shoot-out, or grabbing onto a ledge when someone pushes you off.
    19. wolfboyft

      StarMade Block Editor help - Cannot understand first field in create new entry.

      "Block IDs list" What is this wierd rubbish? Why can't I just write the block ID? Why do I have to go through this no-more-addable list, which looks to me as less than 1% of the blocks in the game. There's about 10 entries in there... Help?