Different visors & guns—see people's brains with a special visor and shoot them with a special gun!

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    Aug 21, 2013
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    More Visors & Guns


    First, in this suggestion, I'll explain what a visor would be in the game and how it works.
    The player would get their helmet as usual. In the helmet meta item's info screen, there would be a 'open visors menu' button. This would open a 4-slot inventory.

    The player could buy visor items at the special shop stores. They would be, as detailed later:

    1. Thermal Visor
    2. X-Ray Visor
    3. Long-Range Visor
    Then, the player might drop the visors into that inventory. The helmet's inventory only supports visors, and only one of each kind. If this as well as oxygen get added, maybe oxygen canisters too, but that's for another story.

    When the player has their helmet on, they would be able to use a key-bound key to switch to one of their installed visors—as well as the default. Having no visor, id est no helmet on, will remove some of the fancier looks for the player's heads-up display.

    Now... the visors' actual look and use... (all of them support zoom, including the default one, which will not be listed here.)

    Thermal Visor

    This would display everything in a thermal imaging-like way. Players would become very visible, cores and other system blocks would too. The more work is placed on a system, the hotter it gets—but never hot enough so that the player can't build their ship with those systems in the rooms/passages without killing astronauts in certain situations. Of course, the Thermal Visor will be able to see cloaked ships.
    Price: 100,000 credits.

    X-Ray Visor

    With the X-Ray Visor, the player can set a list of blocks to bypass (all others are seen/)a list of blocks to not bypass (all other get bypassed—)bypassed meaning not seen/seen through. The player will also be able to see the core systems in living creatures—id est, the heart and brain. Use in conjunction with the Anti-Bio Beam to deal massive damage. Everything would look all like how the Metroid Prime X-Ray Visor looks. The void of space would be blackness. By the by, some blocks, including advanced armour, cannot be bypassed.
    Price: 800,000 credits.

    Long-Range Visor

    This visor can let the player use navigation at 2 times the distance when in use. Of course, the Long-Range Visor would be able to detect radar-jammed ships.

    Price: 80,000 credits.


    These are your usual guns, bought from the special shop.

    Anti-Bio Beam

    Normally the same damage as the laser, but it deals 2 times the damage when hitting an astronaut or other living creature. Already-doubled damage quadruples if the gun hits the enemy in the centre of their head. Use in conjunction with a zoomed-in X-Ray Visor for distanced head-shots. Already-doubled damage triples if the gun hits the enemy in the area highlighted as the heart by the X-Ray Visor. So... that means that an anti-bio head-shot would deal (if I'm right in thinking that the laser deals 10 damage...) 80 damage.
    A heart-shot would deal... 60 damage.
    Price: double the ordinary laser's price.

    Burn Beam

    Sets entities as 'burning,' which tints them red and slowly decreases their health. Slowly damages hit blocks too. Burning entities must either wait it out or go to a medical cabinet thing. Deals the same initial damage as the laser. The way entities wait it out is by hoping that the 10/100 chance that the fire will extinguish will happen—this occurs every 5 seconds. (By the by, this isn't fire. It's some kind of hot acid or something... I dunno.)
    Price: ordinary laser's price + half the ordinary laser's price.

    Machine Gun

    The same as the laser, except it shoots twice as fast. Requires one 'bullet' item per shot, an extremely cheap item bought from special shops. 4 credits per bullet. Or is that not enough/too much?
    Price: ordinary laser's price.

    [DOUBLEPOST=1444499981,1444496649][/DOUBLEPOST]Does the Anti-Bio Beam count as O.P? Maybe it needs a decimal pointed bonus damage multiplier... but I think another side of the argument would say that the targets probably move around a lot, it'd be hard to get quite such a precise hit, etcetera.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    Pew pew! Kind of neutral on this but more ground weapons, or some kind of modular assembly system for them with "support" and "effect" modules like ships, is always good, I suppose.
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    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    Personally, I feel this would make a great mod, but should not be in the vanilla game. However, I'm hung up on spaceships, so I'm biased.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Sounds like fun, but the background work that would be required to make the thermal visor work would be considerable. Certain blocks would have to be programmed to glow in the infrared spectrum for that visor, and making systems brighter when in use would take time too.