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    1. Miow22

      Bigger Sectors.

      I've seen in the occasional comment and its came up in chat quite a lot, but I think there are quite a few people who want bigger sectors. I didn't see a subject on this so I decided to post one. now I have some reasons, but not many as I'm having a bit of a drowsy day. Reasons for this could...
    2. Miow22

      New "Atmosphere Bubble"?

      Should we change the texture of planets from a distance to match the dodecahedrons up close? at the moment you see oreos surrounded by a sphere, what if it was just a bigger dodecahedron around it? I think it would look more fluent IMO.
    3. Miow22

      Diagonal Docks

      Docking wedges that would create an angled dock have always been in my head for a long time. I imagine they would use the normal docking enhancers but would be wedges that have a 45 degree dock. Would this be impossible? What do you think about this?
    4. Miow22

      Omicron Corporations Galileo

      Hello Astronauts! I had an idea to make my faction a ship that would act as a home base. It would be big enough for various ships and would look amazing as well as be effective. I've been updating this post as much as I can! MOST RECENT IMAGE: thanks for reading and this will update...
    5. Miow22

      Grace Of Exploration

      I don't know when I'll finish this, or how, but for now lets say it's 50% done :p Lemme put this button here: ->
    6. Miow22

      Should ship images become compulsory?

      I think its became a concern too many a person that when downloading supposedly good ships, they have no idea what they look like. I for one have found it more and more tedious. Should images of ships become more common? What do you think?
    7. Miow22

      Is the money limit not big enough?

      I've noticed that money is a very easy asset to get in starmade, & hitting the limit is easy. But I've also noticed that alot of my ships, have been so expensive they go passed the limit. Is the limit too small? Should prices be valued less?
    8. Miow22

      What does a custom Space Station need?

      We're not talking about generated space stations here, but what do you think any space station needs? Ill start with the basics such as hangars, maybe lifts, storage rooms. What do you think? Post below!