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    1. zigyzigy

      Rails bug

      wasn't sure if this is definately a bug or where to put it... This issue is this. rotator blocks do not give out a low signal while they are in motion. this is a problem for linking rotations into a sequence as there is no way of having detection of when a rotator is moving and when it is...
    2. zigyzigy

      Radar Jammer on docked entities

      Hey so I am encountering the slightly annoying issue with the rails update that my stations now have entities everywhere so I was wandering how to get a radar jammer to work on these entites to remove their icons from the HUD without removing the entire station from the HUD. Does anyone know if...
    3. zigyzigy

      Please make rails default speed faster (work around)

      I would like to see rails that can move about 4x faster, as shown here without the need for this space consuming work around. Even with the rail speed controller set to max linear motion is just so slow In the mean time we will have to use this setup for faster lifts etc. Also, i wander...
    4. zigyzigy


      I think starmade should have bosses. Several preferably, perhaps with a new set of bosses that mark out a series of significant stages in progression in the game. e.g players can't make their own faction until they defeat the first boss. can't make their own station until they defeat the second...
    5. zigyzigy

      Creative mode / Advanced build mode - super thread

      So, IIRC there is some form of creative mode planned but I am unaware of what that will actually contain aside from there being a different 'mode' of game play. All the same there are a number of things that get suggested/have been suggested about build mode and/or creative mode and I thought it...
    6. zigyzigy

      build mode question

      Hey just a really quick question, is there a way to speed up the movement in build mode when holding down SHIFT. I thought I remembered seeing it as an option somewhere but looking through the server file can't find anything that changes this. Am I just imagining that this is an option when it...
    7. zigyzigy

      Moving a shop? / all block access

      Hi, i have looked around a bit in the forums but counn't find a solution to my problem. I was looking for a way to spawn in a shop to a very specific location within a sector but I don't think it is possible? at least I haven't seen any admin commands to make it happen. So I was wantdering is...
    8. zigyzigy

      A builders Pallet? Modular Building

      Hello community. Having started construction of my first big station I have found myself repeating rather a lot of tasks. The advanced build mode is amazing, as are mirrors and the copy/paste function but as useful as it is I tend to find that if I want to build a section of a station and...
    9. zigyzigy

      Additional community content section

      I know this is not actually an in-game suggestion but i don't know where else to put it. I think it would be great for a collaborative building project and an integrated community if there was a section of the community content for ship and Station templates. This way it is possible to share...
    10. zigyzigy

      Recognized Add Effect slots to utility wepons

      It would be nice to see the same effect system that weapons have implemented with the utility modules like shield supply and power supply beams. It is an easy way to make a proper tractor beam or carriage system that uses power supply beams with a push module attached. This way it doesn't...
    11. zigyzigy

      A Question on Friendly Fire

      Hey I am working on making my first station and I have worked a pretty sweet 'Undocking' mechanism using logic whereby .5 seconds after you undock you are hit by an array of Cannons with push modules attached. This works great for getting you smoothly out the door in a prompt fashion but given...