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    1. canadianchuck

      Stop Effect Question

      Does the stop effect negate damage when connected to a weapon? I had an amc/amc/stop weapon that when fired did no damage.
    2. canadianchuck


      has anybody found a ruin on a desert planet yet?
    3. canadianchuck

      Diamonds arn't Forever... (diamond overlay change)

      The core Diamond overlay needs to be changed. Currently having the diamond gives away the one point in a ship that needs protection. This is a big problem for big ships. Such ships with low turning speeds are easy pray to stacked laser canons that can cut through hulls like butter. Small ships...
    4. canadianchuck

      Elevator and Gravity...

      I've picked this back up as soon as custom stations were semi-added. While adding lifts to my station with gravity i noticed something wrong. While i'm going up the lift it is pushing me off so to say. I think it might be due to the player not staying insinc with the lifts movement speed. This...
    5. canadianchuck

      sector 1,0,-1 bug

      that should be the right sector. it's the planet right under the shop in sector 0,0,0. It's a cool bug but still a bug. In my game there is no planet but the atmosphere effect is still there. Instead of a planet there are several asteroids. oddly enough leaving the shop from sector 0,0,0 the...
    6. canadianchuck

      v0.0878 lighting and glass bugs

      In version 0.0878 there are some bugs with glass and lighting. Glass: +If glass is in the ships field of view lasers and other laser esk things wont show up through the glass. + glass lined(haven't tested single blocks) horizontal to the front axis of the ship might create an invisible effect...
    7. canadianchuck

      Where is the turning axis?

      I made a ship with a core blcok at the back of the ship and a cockpit module at the nose of the ship. i'm turning but i'm viewing through the cockpit module and not the core. Where is my turning axis? The core, cockpit, myabe even the center of it all?
    8. canadianchuck

      New build mode scheme...

      With the new build mode scheme(v0.0875) how do i change block orientation?
    9. canadianchuck

      v0.0866 bugs

      1. The bug/crash client doesn't seem to work. It just stays at "making report" for a very long time to infinity. 2. For some reason firing lasers appears to crash the game. For some reason after reloading the game the lasers worked on there own without crashing the game. 3. It looks like some...
    10. canadianchuck

      .o81 suicide with missle bug

      recently i've sent in a couple bug reports. i'd fire missles point blank(not allways but close enough) in a ship and then i'd be stuck? so far it's happened 3 times to me. I can only assume the missle explosion is nocking me out of the core block. the first two times i just quit and then restart...
    11. canadianchuck

      any way to increase...

      any way to increase the max distance you can place a block from?
    12. canadianchuck

      .08 no more docking module!

      The docking module has been replaced by the build block but it's still has the docking name. Also I'm wondering why we cant use landing strips on Space ships?
    13. canadianchuck

      Chuck's Frigate

      This is something i've been working on for the past month. i scrapped a couple designs of it allready from past updates but this is what i'm sticking with now. I'm considering this as the middle section for now. The back will have more hanger space while the...
    14. canadianchuck

      needs some power....

      i was hoping for some ways to manipulate power. specifically a lever block and the ability to connect power blocks to things. levers you could turn lights on and off, power blocks on and off, or activated explosive blocks(so they can explode). connecting power blocks would be usefull for making...
    15. canadianchuck

      0.078 happenings

      -i was venturing out towards sector (0,0,10). i noticed in some sectors the coutdown for an attack will start but when the countdown finished nothing popped up to attack me. -using CannonMK1 (uploaded to site) i shot at several asteroids and the space station at sector (0,0,0) on my way to and...
    16. canadianchuck

      Are we alone in this space?

      I've been pondering some ideas so the player wouldn't be so lonely. -Alien threats! The idea of exploring different station and planets(in the future) sounds cool but if it's all empty whats the point. -A Big prize. For exploring into space stations and planets. maybe a power core that can only...