Search results

    1. Edymnion

      How to Determine Station Spawn Location?

      I'm currently working on a proper faction home station in creative mode so that I can blueprint it and move it over to an online server. It includes a kilometer long shipyard and will have quite a bit more added to it as I go, and I'm foreseeing a problem when I spawn it in. Keeping it away...
    2. Edymnion

      Read by Schine Whale Riders

      + Just sayin'.
    3. Edymnion

      Weapon Module Linking Across Docked Entities

      Might be a pretty tall order until we get the whole "how to make things talk to docked entities" thing done (so that you could do things like access the inventory of a docked ship), but if/when we get that cracked, one small request? Some kind of a weapon output block that can be linked to...
    4. Edymnion

      Change Weapon Fire Size Based on Slaves?

      People asking for weapons fire to get bigger based on array size are pretty common, but I can see how having to dynamically calculate the size of the projectile based on the size of the array in real time could get costly (because if part of the array gets hit and blocks taken out, you'd have to...
    5. Edymnion

      Decoy Missiles?

      So I have a ship that I'm thinking I want to have launch a swarm of missile/beam torps to help punch through point defenses. Got a question though. I'm planning on it launching six missiles at a time in pairs. Do you think I would do better with 6 missiles of equal strength so that anything...
    6. Edymnion

      Turret Axis Wedges

      Pretty basic, a wedge to put turrets on a diagonal surface without having to resort to axis docked to partial turned rotators.
    7. Edymnion

      Gravity Detection?

      Would it be possible to have gravity blocks send a logic signal indicating if you are currently within that block's field? So that we could set up transition areas where we can use logic to turn gravity on, but not toggle it if its already on? For example, on ships many times the gravity will...
    8. Edymnion

      Recognized Exploration/System Bonuses and Actual Empire Building

      Just brainstorming some ideas for things to make exploration and system claiming more important/viable: One thing I love about the Civilization games is resource management. The thrill of finding the PERFECT place to found a city in is awesome. It can be the difference in a small science/gold...
    9. Edymnion

      Overdrive Jump Drives

      Simply put, let us slave overdrives to our jump drives. Use the standard 3x effect for 6x power cost it does for everything else, to get upwards of 3x the distance for 6x the charging cost. Small ships that can't afford 6x the energy cost of a max power jump drive have shorter jumps, while...
    10. Edymnion

      Place/Remove Range Limit

      Simple request, a slider for a block distance for placing/removing blocks. Always frustrating to be working on one side of a hull, and your lined up placement suddenly decides "Nope, I'm going to jitter at the last second and make you place/delete that block from the opposite side of the ship!"...
    11. Edymnion

      Star Trek / Low Profile Turrets?

      Okay, I know I've seen some before, but the search engine is failing me. I've finally given in to temptation and started building a decent sized Federation style ship, and its getting far enough along that I need to start thinking about turrets. Now, I can build an effective turret, thats...
    12. Edymnion

      Shipyard: Entity Not Valid in Database

      So first I was loading my capital ship design into my shipyard, and it loaded just fine. Said I couldn't edit it in the current format and that it needed an order. Turned out my anchor was too close to the end and the nose of the ship was sticking out past the front of the shipyard. Whoops...
    13. Edymnion

      Disable Shipyard

      Simple request, an on/off switch for shipyards like we have for factories. My biggest shipyard eats nearly 2 million e/sec, which requires multiple docked reactors firing at all times to keep it from draining it's station dry and throwing nonstop errors. It would be really nice if I could...
    14. Edymnion

      Replace by Type

      The current build mode option of replacing a block with another block is great, and very handy. However, it doesn't quite make it easy to say change the color of a hull. If properly wedged, you're looking at four or 5 different types of blocks, which means 4-5 different passes on the replace...
    15. Edymnion

      Specialty Filler Blocks

      Okay, so as it stands right now the game engine tries to render any part of a ship that could possibly be seen regardless of if anyone is there to see it or not. So if you made a big hollow sphere with nothing inside of it, the game would render the inside of that sphere even if no one was...
    16. Edymnion

      AI Rail Control

      One thing I'd like to see at some point is the ability for an AI (aka, a turret) to be able to control it's own movement on a rail. For example, say I have a station where its difficult for a single turret to get line of sight on any reasonable portion of sky. Now say I could lay down a rail...
    17. Edymnion

      Microtransaction Idea: Community Store

      Okay, the thread about microtransactions for skin slots got me thinking. Stuff like that I feel are very bad ideas, mostly because traditional microtransactions have poisoned the well with really shady stuff to the point they all look like bait and switch tactics. So I thought, what kind of...
    18. Edymnion

      Shipyard Build Mode from Shipyard Computer

      Could we perhaps make entering build mode for a shipyard something we can do from the computer, instead of having to physically go out into the yard and get in the core like it was an actual ship? I don't know about others, but I added a shipyard to my existing station, which means I put the...
    19. Edymnion

      PDTs Shooting Down My Own Missiles - Thought They Fixed This?

      Okay, so was paying close attention to my gunship and noticed that my own missiles were exploding very close to my ship while attacking a pirate station. Since I'm pretty sure pirate stations don't do point defense, the only answer is that my PDTs are shooting down my own missiles. I thought...
    20. Edymnion

      Yet Another Asteroid Respawn Thread: Regenerate Unclaimed Systems

      Okay, assuming that gas giants granting unlimited resources through some kind of passive extraction process isn't going to happen any time soon, and the asteroid respawn bug currently being squashed leading to stripped systems, how about a compromise that also helps newbies on established...