Search results

    1. Edymnion

      Improve Core Thrust

      Can we please just simply give core blocks more thrust? I mean, is there anyone here that doesn't drop a core to get around in that doesn't immediately stop and add a power generator and a thruster block to it to make the classic 3 block pod? If we're going to continue on the course of having...
    2. Edymnion

      Storage: Set Pull to Contents

      Okay, we all know that setting up comprehensive auto-pulls for things is a nightmarish task, but just had an idea that could make it far, far simpler. What about simply having a button for "Set Auto-Pull to Contents"? As in, whatever is currently in the storage, it will set the auto-pull to...
    3. Edymnion

      Non-Docked Docking

      I am personally a big fan of modular design. The idea that you can make certain things prefab and then add them to a ship as needed. StarMade is pretty good about this already with the blueprints and the docking system. I can prefab docked power generators, turrets, etc, and spawn them in and...
    4. Edymnion

      Combat Detection Logic

      Working on a station at the moment, and just got done installing a rail based elevator. Got me wanting to have retractable turrets on the station like I plan on putting in my capitol ship, but there's a slight problem with that. Turrets on a station are for defending the station when I'm not...
    5. Edymnion

      Beef Up Cannon Animations

      Missile graphics are generally pretty good, when something shoots a missile at me I generally know it because I can actually see it. Same with beams, if I'm in range of a beam emitter, I can see when its firing at me. Cannons though? I'm sure I've seen something with cannons shooting at me...
    6. Edymnion

      We Need a Clock

      Not a clock block, not a piece of logic, just a clock. As in display the system time on the screen, say under the mini-map.
    7. Edymnion

      Better Faction Control: Private Systems + Faction Tax

      As we all know, the biggest problem with Factions at the moment, and the reason we see so many factions with only 1 or 2 members is because its far too much of an All or Nothing system. I'm constantly bombarded with people asking to join my faction and don't seem to understand why I tell...
    8. Edymnion

      How I'd like to see base weapon types act

      Cannons: High damage, short to medium range, affected by armor %. Cannons are actually firing physical objects (shells, antimatter, whatever) that are basically just kinetic impactors. They carry a lot of punch and can tear unprotected things apart pretty easily, but are easily stopped by...
    9. Edymnion

      Shangri-La Ship Blueprint

      Okay, I can't stand it anymore. Someone please tell me they have a blueprint for the Shangri-La abandoned base as a ship. Doesn't have to be the entire inside, just the outer hull. I have got to have that as an actual ship.
    10. Edymnion

      How to change faction color?

      Does anyone know where the information for what color claimed faction space appears in on the galaxy map is stored? Mainly, on the server I'm on it randomly assigned three or four of us the exact same shade of pink, and its difficult to tell who's sector is who's. We'd like to change it up so...
    11. Edymnion

      Stack Like By Default

      I know we can edit the config to do this ourselves, but it would be nice to see as the default. Make things that area always going to be used together stack with each other. Computers and their modules spring to mind. Power/Shield generators and their capacitors. All of the logic blocks...
    12. Edymnion

      Salvage Beams: Use All Linked Storage

      Ran into this once and worked around it. Rebuilt my ship and forgot to put the work around in it, ran into it again. What is it? Massive amounts of lost resources due to the ship's inability to use all of it's linked storage space correctly. I go out mining for a specific resource due to...
    13. Edymnion

      Mass Saving Techniques?

      So I'm building a ship that is going to be quite large, which means its going to be spending a LOT of power on thrusters just to move. So, one thing I'd like to do is to implement as many mass saving techniques as possible These are the three I can think of right away, does anyone have more...
    14. Edymnion

      Clock Block

      Just saw the picture from the latest dev build where it looks like we're getting a dedicated flip flop block. Long as we're putting out logic blocks that we can already build that will save us time and space, I'd like to request we just go ahead and make a clock block. I mean, I'm already...
    15. Edymnion

      Server Status on Launcher

      On the main launcher screen (after the loader, the one you actually hit Ok to log in on), you have the option to pick between single player sandbox and seeing the server list to pick a server from. What I would like to see is a simple check on that launcher next to the server list button that...
    16. Edymnion

      Section 31

      Figured it would be nice to actually have a chance to show off my current build, as its a big one. Started off just making a nice bridge, as most of my ships have been very exterior and systems central builds, never wasted much space on interior RP stuff. So, I just sat down and started...
    17. Edymnion

      Spicing Up Mining

      You start the game with cannon modules, just saying...
    18. Edymnion

      How do turrets work?

      I mean besides the obvious "give 'em guns, a bobby AI, and make sure you turn it on". I'm building a large ship where I'm going to need turrets simply because my turning radius will be measured in sectors, but I don't want obviously visible turrets because they spoil the aesthetic I'm going...
    19. Edymnion

      Scaling Jump Drive

      Current jump drive distances are server set. Default I believe is only about 15 km, but I've seen some servers crank it up as high as 8 systems. However, either way its a fixed value. What if we changed it to scale up like everything else does? Have it so the ship needs a certain number of...
    20. Edymnion

      Bug? Can't place crystals on decayed station

      So I found a nice big cathedral derelict station right where I wanted to put a warp gate. Tons of shields, huge cannons, energy to spare, perfect place to just claim and build the warpgate on. Sure, I have to be careful where I put things because its decayed and I only get scrap back, but I...