Search results

    1. Edymnion

      Titan Weapons?

      So, taking a brief break from my titan project to build some smaller ships, and while arming them I got to seriously thinking "What weapons should a titan actually have?" Now, I'm considering the main defensive and offensive capabilities of a titan to be the realm of turrets. Lock-on...
    2. Edymnion

      I give up

      I tried to keep a warp gate at spawn to help newbies, I really did. But apparently I have become the target of a concerted griefer effort to tear it down. Its been damaged enough to shut it down half a dozen times, and today it was outright vaporized for the second time. After I had greatly...
    3. Edymnion

      Admin Tools: Faction Detail Export

      Our server, like many others I'm sure, is getting an accumulation of dead factions and abandoned systems. Admin is still looking for ways to get info on who is active and who isn't in an easy to consume format, but thought I'd ask for better tools here. Like the ability to see a list of...
    4. Edymnion

      Putting Humpty Dumpy Back Together?

      So I've been building a large titan at my home station, and it's been going normally. Last night I activated the large heavy spinning ring and the server groaned in pain so I turned it back off. Now when I undock other ships my framerate drops into low single digits until I get a little ways...
    5. Edymnion

      PvE or PvP?

      It comes up a lot about which side has more players on it. Usually with statistics from similar games/genres about server breakdown, but I don't think I've seen anyone gather any statistics from the Starmade players themselves. Now, before you vote, I want to define the two terms in relation...
    6. Edymnion

      Which way does a Bobby look?

      So, basic question. Does a Bobby AI "see" according to the direction the core is facing, or does it see along the way the weapons are facing? I'm trying to make a turret facing perpendicular to the surface instead of parallel to it, and I cannot seem to get the axis to work, so trying to...
    7. Edymnion

      I Hate Torches

      So, I build a nice looking warp gate to spawn and give it enough shields that it can't be accidentally damaged, some griefer blows it up. Fine, I build a massive turret to protect the gate, somebody uses a damned torch to cut their way into the turret, disable it, and then blows up the gate...
    8. Edymnion

      Things to Spend Faction Points On

      Brainstorming things we could use faction points for, beyond just asteroid respawning and the like. These would be things we could spend points on to "buy" for the faction as a whole. They would either be single use exchanges, or they could be passive bonuses that would allow factions to...
    9. Edymnion

      Cancel Log In

      Occasionally I get an issue where chunks fail to load, and the client will just sit there at the "Loading chunks around spawn" screen indefinitely. Now, while I've recently learned how to fix that from a post in Support (involves clearing your local cache), when it happens there is no choice...
    10. Edymnion

      This is the ship that will pierce the heavens!

      So I've gotten underway building my new capital ship, and all good ships need some nose art. She's still not much more than a nose right now, but I can't think of any better dedication. Just who the hell do you think I am?!?
    11. Edymnion

      Passive Resource Generation Via Additional Bases

      Two big weaknesses of Starmade right now as I see them are resource gathering and turtling in a single base. For resource generation, the only methods of obtaining more are highly destructive. If you want to build big, the only thing you can really do is eat planets and mine out systems. Big...
    12. Edymnion

      "Best" General Purpose Turrets?

      So, I'm starting to arm my capital ship (mostly for decoration and station defense right now, as the ship hull alone is at most a quarter done). I've built the first of what I'm calling the backbone turrets. Not the biggest, not the most numerous, but a good middle ground that makes up the...
    13. Edymnion

      When to Stop Using Thrusters?

      Power consumed to fire thrusters is equal to the number of thrusters (N) * 0.03 per second. Thrust generated is (N*5.5)^0.87. Thanks to that exponential of less than 1 on the thrust calculation, the law of diminishing returns is in effect. The more thrusters you add, the less thrust per block...
    14. Edymnion

      Modular Shipyards

      So we finally have shipyards, hurray! Thing is, with the way its set up, the 50m limit between arms (unless you change it in the defaults) means lots of repetitive ribs. Now don't get me wrong, I actually like this. Means you have to build a half way interesting looking structure instead of...
    15. Edymnion

      How Fast Do You Go?

      I'm genuinely curious about something. Does anyone actually play on a server (or on single player) with the speed limit set to the default slow-as-Christmas 75 meters per second? Default settings for several things in the game seem awfully low to me (speed, the build mode sliders, etc), does...
    16. Edymnion

      Lets Be Honest: Docked Power Generators

      Okay, lets be perfectly honest. Every last one of us that builds large ships uses docked power generators. Hell, I've built MINING SHIPS in the past that required docked power generators because I wanted a big, solid beam and the power tax for that many arrays put the beam over 1m e/sec. We...
    17. Edymnion

      Final Fantasy Gambits

      Something that literally just hit me as something that could actually work well in Starmade. In I believe it was Final Fantasy 12, a lot of the game's combat engine revolved around Gambits. Gambits were basically fragments of AI that the player could piece together in order to basically let...
    18. Edymnion

      Keep Faction Homes Invincible

      Some talk about faction home base invincibility going away at some point in the future. Might be true, it might be regular old Internet rumor mongering. Either way, I felt like laying this out publicly just to be 100% sure it's heard. If HB invincibility is ever removed, I will drop this game...
    19. Edymnion

      Time to Revisit the Ban on Factories on Ships?

      Okay, lets just start by my saying that I understand the reason why we currently don't allow factories and refineries on ships. They want you to make a base or a station, they don't want you flying around in one ship with all your stuff on it. But now that we've had the mass pass and blocks...
    20. Edymnion

      Do Some Systems Flat Out Not Have Certain Resources?

      Okay, so I have my station built in a system with lots of asteroid rings, including one at the very outermost edge of the system. I've gone all the way around this ring (which gets so close to the system edge its easy to overstep into the next system while exploring it), no blue asteroids...