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    1. lazarus78

      More methods of propulsion

      More aesthetics? How so? Engines are ~99% covered by hull most of the time, so there's no aesthetic gain there. Its a new, redundant, mechanic, yes. The hull colors do much more for the game given it is about building ships. Redundant engine types, not so much. It would always boil down to the...
    2. lazarus78

      Big manned ships are visible on the galaxy map

      No practical reason why such a thing should exist. What would be the reasoning for big ships being visible, tens, if not hundreds of thousands of meters away? If it were on a "per ship" basis to broadcast your location, sure. It would be great for use as an SOS, but as a default thing that is...
    3. lazarus78

      More methods of propulsion

      That is just trying to create a need that isn't there to justify your suggestion. Without your suggestion, those reasons would never come up. There is no void in game play to be filled here. If we only had gray hulls and someone suggested more colors. That fills a void. It diversifies ship...
    4. lazarus78

      More methods of propulsion

      That is taking it to the extreme, and a terrible point of argument. The simple fact of the matter is your ideas added nothing to the game that isn't already achieved by the current systems, almost in their entirety. A decorative block holds more value as it allows an actual, visual...
    5. lazarus78

      More methods of propulsion

      An "improvement" that we don't need. Having multiple types of propulsion for the sake of multiple types of propulsion is bad design. If you said something like a type of engine that is fast, but terrible at turning, and another that is slower, but great at turning, then that would be something...
    6. lazarus78

      More methods of propulsion

      Engine 1 is functionally the same as engine 2. So why have both? Its redundant. Everything you suggested is more or less covered by the current systems we have in place making anything else, redundant. And before you mention colored armor hulls, the colors are important for aesthetic...
    7. lazarus78

      More methods of propulsion

      Redundancy =/= creativity
    8. lazarus78

      More methods of propulsion

      But there is no need for it. It adds variety, but for what reason? Everything worth while suggested is already covered by the current system. It adds nothing to the game.
    9. lazarus78

      More methods of propulsion

      Most of these just add variety for the sake of variety. Its very redundant. What we have now is enough, IMO.
    10. lazarus78

      Recognized Turrets system with Pictures - [ Poll]

      12 pages in, yeah Im not reading them all, sorry. That said, I thought of something while going over the first post, so if this has been mentioned, once again, sorry. Would a "hinge" block be necessary? could you not just make the docking block only allow horizontal rotations (Reletive to...
    11. lazarus78

      Shields and turrets

      Clearly I have an unpopular opinion, so I will just back out now. Didn't realize wanting practical ship to ship combat mechanics would be such a bad thing.
    12. lazarus78

      Shields and turrets

      Why is this a bad thing? That is exactly how modern naval ships operate. They can engage targets before you can even see them. If they are on your radar, why shouldn't the AI be able to attack them automatically? Phalanx missile defense system anyone? Naturally. That is the idea behind turrets...
    13. lazarus78

      Shields and turrets

      But if everyone has shielded turrets, then how is it out of balance? The downside is you have to get through the shields before you can start damaging the ship. Smaller craft should be held back till the shields are down, then they can pluck away at the turrets as normal. As in the olden days...
    14. lazarus78

      Cockpit Block

      That makes sense, but tat begs the question... what about stations? Why don't they have cores? Color me ignorant to the programming reasoning behind it. I am most likely oversimplifying it in my head as a simple matter. But I guess it's all moot once we get the health system.
    15. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      Depends on how detailed of a comparison you make. Minecraft and starmade are games with procedurally generated "worlds" comprised of blocks. You must explore and gather resources to survive and create bigger and better things. The only major difference is one is in space, the other is not...
    16. lazarus78

      Shields and turrets

      Must have interpreted what you said that way. My bad. This is a balance issue with weapon scaling. If turrets are going to be penalized for being bigger, yes, you are correct they would be inferior to smaller turrets. Which makes zero sense. Intentional weak points is an stupid design choice...
    17. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      But even Schema said it is based on Minecraft... It was a major source of inspiration for the game.
    18. lazarus78

      Shields and turrets

      Which is why turrets are used for basically every form of mounted weapon possible since the concept came about. Turrets are indeed better in every possible way to a fixed gun. If there is a discrepancy in the balancing of small turrets vs big turrets, then adjustments should be made to that in...
    19. lazarus78

      [64x64] DirtySpace

      Old doesn't mean abandoned. If it did, half my city would be abandoned because of old houses. Unless Azurite says it is abandoned, or it goes for a while with no word or updates, you can't call it abandoned.
    20. lazarus78

      Shields and turrets

      Bigger turrets turn slower? Problem solved. And why shouldn't a ship be able to have one big turret if the creator wishes? There is a reason turrets revolutionized warfare.