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    1. P

      Before I build too big and wreck myself...

      I haven't attempted so myself, but I've heard a few times that there will at least be some performance issues with stations going into another sector.
    2. P

      Maxspeed Took my ship?

      Lock-on missiles: So broken, they bug the game. :p
    3. P

      Item collection

      Probably will be the same thing that will be used for nebulae. It's probably some distance away, unfortunately. Just causing items to go into one storage, then another once it's full, ad infinitum would be nice.
    4. P

      Which weapons can fire through armor blocks?

      That should(if it's intended to do this then that's just silly) only make it possible to shoot down own faction missiles when you're firing at them, not make AI turrets target your own missiles.
    5. P

      Asteroid fields and Trade-able Commodities

      Maybe, if the sector size is small, you could make the field spread over multiple sectors. Then it can be even bigger than the default sector size.(who doesn't up sector size and speed, anyway?)
    6. P

      Salvage beams should be a cone.

      How exactly would this be calculated so it's not just a ton of beams spread out in a shape like an even, non-random salvage/missile? Or is the same total number of beams with missile less laggy? But it's not an exact cone, it's uneven.
    7. P

      Thoughts and suggestions after a play through

      About turn speed - small ships turn fast, and a titan will turn about the same speed as a corvette. That needs changing, the mass-based turning system was(IMO) better. Though, I wasn't around for that.
    8. P

      Implemented New Personal equipment: Flashlight

      PreparationsA-G The problem is it's just a shader. You might vaguely see the shape of the blocks, but you won't know what they are. Though, something that temporarily turns the block you hit into a light might work. :p
    9. P

      Basic Autopilot

      The unfortunate thing is this may get prohibitively expensive on a large ship, and a small ship will leave you vulnerable to pirates(since cloak/jam are vulnerable to server lag)… For now, the best way is probably
    10. P

      Missiles! For goodness sake, turn em' down!

      A large part of the reason why missiles are not easily intercepted is that AI apparently always aims precisely a small amount away from the target, thus missing them. "Only Bobby AIs are so precise." It should be more random, depending on the speed of the weapons and the target, erraticness of...
    11. P

      Planet Faction Name doesn't change on Starmap?

      My guess is that it is an unimplemented feature.
    12. P

      Recognized Electrical/Tesla Coil Weapon Type

      Note: Logic might be used to make tesla coil waffle boards, which can home in on an enemy, thus removing the aiming problem with logic waffle boards.
    13. P

      Wheels and landing gear

      No collision damage on planets/stations for this block, but same damage for ships and asteroids. Thus isn't used for ramming, nor used to stop ramming from happening.
    14. P

      More advanced BOBBY AI module

      I would love to just have dock/undock/follow/attack, with the ability to have dock points set for a station and a carrier ship. That would be enough to make drones not be wasted when an enemy goes - "HA! YOU DROPPED YOUR DRONES! TIME TO JUMP OUT!"
    15. P

      Planet Faction Name doesn't change on Starmap?

      Check in navigation, it may have simply renamed the plate, and not the planet. Haven't tried, though, so I dunno.
    16. P

      Range effect

      I'm pretty sure that got fixed recently.
    17. P

      My Ideas on Fleet Control

      I don't think we need a block for this sort of thing, we have the AI fleet tab IIRC.
    18. P

      More Weapon Dynamism "Elemental, Modifiers, Ammo, Missile Bays"

      The problem with plasma is it's just a non-interceptable missile.
    19. P

      Complex electricity

      Do like complex reactor designing, don't like fuel or power cables. I think there should be more to the design than an exact multi-block structure to make, though. Really I only see fuel as being a small annoyance, or a big annoyance. It's risky to bring out a titan anyway, so I don't think fuel...
    20. P

      Ship Max Speed Determined by Mass

      c=75 km/h? I don't even. If that's the case, beams, cannons, and missiles are all FTL. I'd like if(did I say this before? It's worth saying again.) active(Bobby/Player/NPC) ships would have no damping. Thruster scaling could even be nerfed then. (Mass-based turning, where art thou?)