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    1. CoolDog3

      The Lazarus Imperium - Join the greatest empire of StarMade today!

      Username: CommanderTurner(In Game) CoolDog3(On Web) Requested Class: Pilot Why I Want to Join: I enjoy creating and battling with ships. The ones that I haven't built are the best, since I get to explore them. I'm also into RP and this seems like a good faction for all of this. I am aware that I...
    2. CoolDog3

      Colored Doors

      Yeah I know, but those threads are at the bottoms of the forums, I wanted to bring it back up.
    3. CoolDog3

      Colored Doors

      The name says it all, add colored doors! And I know it has been suggested a lot, I just wanted to bring it up again.
    4. CoolDog3


      It did the same thing there.
    5. CoolDog3

      Conveyer Belts

      I know, I just wanted to bring it back up.
    6. CoolDog3

      Conveyer Belts

      I suggest a conveyer type block that will carry items along it, until it ends. If it's possible maybe they could even feed into plex storages, which would make for some cool factories. They could be activated by logic or hand.
    7. CoolDog3


      Yeah I just can't upload them to the website, it always says Error!
    8. CoolDog3

      Tug Ship 2014-08-24

      A simple tug ship for pulling and stopping ships. Features two damage beams with 100% cannon slave and 100%stop or pull effect. The beam only does 1 damage so just have at least 1 shield capacitator and recharger, if you don't want it to damage your ship. Also, can someone help me, because I...
    9. CoolDog3

      Pistons/Sticky Pistons

      Sorry guys I forgot to search the forums for things like this. I now know that this is an old subject.
    10. CoolDog3

      Re-imagining the Damage Pulse

      Yeah I've always been a big Star Wars fan. But let's get back on topic, would we be able to change the color of it? Because I'm thinking an orange version of that would look pretty cool. And would the push pulse look the same?
    11. CoolDog3

      Re-imagining the Damage Pulse

      You watch it too?
    12. CoolDog3

      Starmade Shipyards

      This sounds awesome!!!!! :):D:D:D:D:D
    13. CoolDog3

      Pistons/Sticky Pistons

      I suggest these are implemented and act just like they do in minecraft, when activated by logic or hand it moves the block in front of it. Maybe we could even change how far it pushes the block???? And of course we would have to give it a cool starmade texture.
    14. CoolDog3

      Starmade Trailer Ship Submissions

      Ok, cool, sorry about being so demanding, i'm just so excited!
    15. CoolDog3


      I just need help with screenshots!
    16. CoolDog3

      Re-imagining the Damage Pulse

      So would it look like this...
    17. CoolDog3

      Re-imagining the Damage Pulse

      This sounds really good, and I would use it a lot if it was implemented!
    18. CoolDog3

      Starmade Trailer Ship Submissions

      What's going to happen now, it's been a while.
    19. CoolDog3

      Bug Lock-On firing backward!

      I'll check, but I'm pretty sure it's orientated correctly.
    20. CoolDog3

      Bug Lock-On firing backward!

      So whenever I fire my lock-on missiles(missile+beam), they fire backward! They are orientated right and are all connected the computer. Need help!