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    1. CoolDog3

      Feelin' good!

      Feelin' good!
    2. CoolDog3

      Sensors Anyone?

      Yes, yes, and double yes!
    3. CoolDog3

      camera/cockpit linked to display module

      I like it!
    4. CoolDog3

      Update tutorial and wiki

      Already been suggested and is being worked on.
    5. CoolDog3

      More Descriptive Tutorial

      I suggest that we add more details to the tutorial. Let me give an example, when I first started playing starmade, I started building little ships and stuff just like the tutorial told me. After a while, I decided to make a large ship. It took me 3 MONTHS to figure out how to use symmetry mode...
    6. CoolDog3

      Fighter Contest!

      I'll build one.
    7. CoolDog3

      Power should EXPLODE!

      Maybe if there was a percentage chance that a power tank will explode when hit. I don't agree with power reactors exploding though, they are just too numerous.
    8. CoolDog3

      Have you previously quit playing StarMade?

      Yes, for a while my single player wasn't working and I got really annoyed any gave up for a couple months. After I while I just decieded to make a new account and try again and I was so happy to meet Dave!
    9. CoolDog3

      Turret types

      Too complicated in my opinion. Turrets are fine as they are.
    10. CoolDog3

      Implemented Save player relative to ship upon logout

      This would be really useful!
    11. CoolDog3

      Cockpits. Like, COCKPITS. No, you... person, you get to sit in a seat and drive.

      Yeah I think it should just stay as it is, an alternative viewpoint.
    12. CoolDog3

      Cockpits. Like, COCKPITS. No, you... person, you get to sit in a seat and drive.

      What would happen to the cockpits that are already on ships. Will they just turn into seats? Because it would look really weird for all the cockpits that are on the outside of ships, if they turn into random seats on the outside of the ship. And if you want to fix that problem most people would...
    13. CoolDog3

      Starmade Fleets

      Yay, sounds really cool!
    14. CoolDog3

      Implemented New Cargo System!

      Ya but they can't just disappear can they? And what would happen to everything that's in them?
    15. CoolDog3

      Starmade Trailer Ship Submissions Small ship, might be good for a battle scene! Has updated shield systems and weapons.
    16. CoolDog3

      Implemented New Cargo System!

      What would happen to the plex storages that are already on many ships?
    17. CoolDog3

      Landing Gear

      That poll response was supposed to mean you think this idea is idiotic, I tried fixing it but for some reason I can't edit any of my posts or polls anymore.
    18. CoolDog3

      Landing Gear

      Oh ok great!
    19. CoolDog3

      Landing Gear

      But then you would still take damage!
    20. CoolDog3

      Landing Gear

      Well it would also just be cool from a role playing perspective.