Starmade Shipyards


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Jeesus Bench that is amazing. Just found out about this. My only concern is that wouldn't it be possible to redistribute ship files after you have purchased it for yourself outside of this site? They are free to take regardless I guess. I personally would like this over the system we currently have. More ways to find what you're looking for.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    A problem arises when more people decide to use the Shipyard exclusively thus cutting off access to these ships for anybody who isn't interested in meta game.

    Having a "paid" version and a "free" version is if you are participating in the metagame it is against your interest to even use the starmade dock.

    I do understand the draw of having a tie in card game, it's a really interesting concept. I'm just worried about limiting access to these .sment files from people who don't want to participate. Simply PMing and asking takes away from the simplicity of the current system as well as removes the ships from the built in rating/ reviews process as well as it is still against the interest of Shipyard users to give away the ships. I guess it could open up some doors where people who hesitate sharing their ships may in fact share them but that is a small bonus. Most people who have "classified" ships or use "release candidates" will probably still keep doing what they are doing now though. (From what I understand the practice of "release candidate" is releasing dumbed down versions of your ships to the public while keeping the better versions for yourself. I find this insulting and elitist)
    Well those people would likely not be getting the sment file if they looked for it on the starmade cc pages. The idea is to give a reward for uploading a ship and having it downloaded by others. Theres more incentive to share. If there was no incentive, they wouldn't upload it to begin with as bench has made a point of.
    Sep 13, 2013
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    Would it be possible to link this site to a server? For example I bought a ship on this site go to a server and then get there the ship in the game. That would actually integrate shipyards into the game, because as of now as a builder I have no way to earn money on a server with my builds.

    But I think we would need a lock the blueprint option for that, since otherwise the once purchased ship could be dublicated.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Now I'm picturing several players planning a heist to steal a large ship on a server before the maker can upload it so they can upload the ship themselves and make a profit from it in the shipyard. It would be bad because they would be stealing someone else's ship but it would be good in the sense that it would be a new type of game play, people would actually have to secure their server side shipyards against thieves.
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    Now I'm picturing several players planning a heist to steal a large ship on a server before the maker can upload it so they can upload the ship themselves and make a profit from it in the shipyard. It would be bad because they would be stealing someone else's ship but it would be good in the sense that it would be a new type of game play, people would actually have to secure their server side shipyards against thieves.
    If you agreed to use the StarMade launcher you also agreed to not use StarMade stuff for your own profit and I guess to also not take the work of others and tell it's your own :p :D


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    If you agreed to use the StarMade launcher you also agreed to not use StarMade stuff for your own profit and I guess to also not take the work of others and tell it's your own :p :D
    It wouldn't be real profit just whatever in game currency the shipyard would use. I'm just saying it would be an interesting possibility not that people should do it.
    Sep 25, 2013
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    I'm sorry Sven, but I can't agree with that sense of entitlement. If you want to share the ships you've worked hard on by giving the files freely, that's your prerogative. Yours. Equally, it's mine to decide how, to what extent, and under what circumstances I give people access to the things I've put time and effort into creating. It's the same way I felt back on Roblox when people kept asking me to share all my models or places. The places were there for themto interact with, and my models page let them look at the things I'd made. But rarely did I make something free, or give models to people I didn't trust.

    If I want to let people have access to my spacecraft files under the condition that they put some effort of their own into it, that's my decision. And in the meantime, no one seems to have been too dissapointed in thebpictures and discriptions I've put on the site, even if it doesn't come with a download link.

    With that said... Bench, this is a great idea. You've been working very hard for the Starmade community, and we appreciate it. I'll probably put the Earth Authority fleet on it when I finish the refits and the Vesta battlecarrier.
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    Sep 30, 2013
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    I'm really digging this whole idea. So any possibility of using your cards to assemble a fleet to use against other players card fleet? I'm thinking the ships would be spawned in, in formation on a small Battle Mode server to duke it out with AIs at the helm. The players could either sit back and watch as the camera flies around in cynamtic mode or issue commands by moving cards around depending on the game mode selected.
    players on a mobile version could set up a fleet, go back to work then later load a flash video of the battle unfolding,
    Starmade Every Day All Day!!!!
    Just an idea, let me know what you think.
    Jul 12, 2013
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    After found this post i got really excited. Hope this project is still going.

    Needs a Dave Skin

    Love the cards system, and i want to play it
    Aug 18, 2013
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    One thing throughout, but I think the on-site price should be the price required to buy the parts. Like, when you upload the .sment, it will calculate it's cost using the average price for each item included. And the cards' would need that price there, too... so I think the stars should be moved, either to the top, bottom or to the space between the class and the name of the ship.
    Don't forget to add descriptions for each type of class. (And, maybe, remove the "CLASS" thing in the name of the class, on the cards... it's just wasting space. Maybe make the remaining text wider, or more spaced, but either way, I don't see like seeing the word "class" there...)
    Jul 4, 2013
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    This is an awesome concept.
    Maybe you could make fleet battles? Like the battles in MMO's. Ship's DPS and shields could be calculated to make a simple battle mechanic.
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    Aug 18, 2013
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    This is an awesome concept.
    Maybe you could make fleet battles? Like the battles in MMO's. Ship's DPS and shields could be calculated to make a simple battle mechanic.
    Not a good idea, in my oppinion. But it could be a config setting, if they add it this way...
    Jun 20, 2013
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    This is interesting, but what if the user is Roleplaying as an Alien species?

    As in, what if the avatar's available don't support the style? Is there a submit your own? Perhaps a template one needs to go off of?
    Apr 1, 2014
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    This is interesting, but what if the user is Roleplaying as an Alien species?

    As in, what if the avatar's available don't support the style? Is there a submit your own? Perhaps a template one needs to go off of?
    A good point, what of the likes of me!