Search results

    1. Ithirahad

      horizintal escalators

      Yeah... There needs to be some kind of gravity block that just pulls you and doesn't align the character model to it. :P
    2. Ithirahad

      T1 Scavenger, T2 Civilian, T3 Military, T4 rare/unique Artifacts.

      +1; I, for one, am a fan of tiers. However, rather than "Scavenger" and "Civilian" being base tiers, "Scavenger" should be base tier -1, current weapons should be base tier ("Basic" or "Civilian" depending on the item), and up from there there could be, maybe, 4 tiers of rarity - Mark II, Mark...
    3. Ithirahad

      Chairs n' Viewscreens... And stuff?

      Actually, a simple block that the player sits on would work as well; once we have half-block (vertical) panels those can be used to approximate the type of seat I'm envisioning anyway.
    4. Ithirahad

      Starmade Q&A

      Will we finally see the colored crystals that we were given a picture of months ago... ever? Will we get other colors of hull? (Orange, dark red, dark blue, dark green, etc.) Will hull get a buff, or possibly the damage-spreading system someone suggested (Or a mechanic change in general)? When...
    5. Ithirahad

      Name that Mineral!

      One, what's so wrong with joke suggestions? And two, aside from Lucemite, Viridium, and Obscuromite/Obscurite/Obscurusite/whatever, people might not remember these. Personally, i'd remember Arcanite because purple is used in magic so much ("arcane" has taken on a connotation of magic), and...
    6. Ithirahad

      Chairs n' Viewscreens... And stuff?

      Perhaps not like THAT. I was more picturing something much simpler... 3 boxes.One for the stand, one for the seat, one for the backrest. If captain's chairs get a separate block, then it could have simple armrests as well, but that's not necessary.
    7. Ithirahad

      Name that Mineral!

      Star Trek uses forms of "Neutronium" (Usually Carbon Neutronium) as well, so no.
    8. Ithirahad

      New Systems/ Weapons/ Blocks that do things (non-hull)

      "Phaser" (Automatic Laser Defense System, I guess. ALaDeS? Or just Autolasers?) strips would be really nice as an alternative to turrets, which IMO shouldn't be able to have beams. (They just aim too darn well.) They would be just like normal lasers, including the ability to enhance them with...
    9. Ithirahad

      Chairs n' Viewscreens... And stuff?

      That is really the primary central change to starship mechanics I'd like to see. (Along with AMC damage dispersing across hull, and warp drive.) I was primarily suggesting smaller components so that I didn't end up with a 300,000-character list of components for my overarching suggestion, which...
    10. Ithirahad

      Name that Mineral!

      Not particularly original. : P
    11. Ithirahad


      You should probably just use shuttles Elit, but either way... I'm not really sure if I like or dislike transporters. Shields shouldn't be the requirement, but you shouldn't be able to transport while under fire, or to a non-allied ship. (unless some condition is met, no idea what that would be...
    12. Ithirahad

      Chairs n' Viewscreens... And stuff?

      Hm, what if long-range radar, anti-jammer scanning, and other passive upgrades came in the form of console blocks that have to be put near the pilot's chair, linked up to arrays (that eat lots of power)?
    13. Ithirahad

      Name that Mineral!

      Ore/Metal: White - Neutronium Ore/Neutronium Black - Infused Hematite/Fusion Iron Purple - Resbalite/Resbarium Blue - Samariite/Tominitic Samarium Green - Cidanium Ore/Cidanium Yellow - Corite/Corium Orange - Adronite/Adronium Red - Hexalithite/Hexalithium Crystal: White - Neutrine Black -...
    14. Ithirahad

      Infantry infiltration?

      ...The core doesn't even need to be involved. There should be a way to hack the system from any computer terminal (Including weapons computers, and whatever other type of computer may be implemented.)
    15. Ithirahad

      Better Shops

      Agreed. Shops should also be 9 by 9 or 7 by 7 rather than 6 by 6, and should have wedges.
    16. Ithirahad

      Art Suggestions for Realistic Texture Set

      Doors need to change to something more generic that doesn't say "AIRLOCK" on it. Or we need multiple types of door. Faction and Build Blocks need textures, and there need to be more aesthetic screen blocks. Factory blocks (And the new Activation and Delay Blocks) need textures that look more...
    17. Ithirahad

      Ship Categorization (Official / Unofficial) [poll]

      I'd like it to be custom and per-faction. No official classifications, even if they're just aesthetic; it's limiting and counterproductive.
    18. Ithirahad

      Chairs n' Viewscreens... And stuff?

      ...Exactly. What I'd like to see is a lot of things that need to be in rooms onboard ships, so that RP-style ships aren't put at as much of a disadvantage. A pilot seat is just the start. I'd like to see all of the things needed in Minecraft (Foods and possibly drinks, healing items, crafting...
    19. Ithirahad

      Recognized Personal Lock Block

      IMO, this should be ship-only. Having a protected station or planet segment should require a faction.
    20. Ithirahad

      Can we scrap enhancers already?

      I do hide them, in antennas and downward-facing beacon lightbeam things and such. But it's still annoying.