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    1. Lecic

      Galactic Center Changes and Fix

      Intended behavior. Factions that move far away rarely have PvP, simply because it's a pain in the ass to go halfway across the galaxy to fight someone.
    2. Lecic

      New Thruster

      Have you considered that this was intended?
    3. Lecic

      Dev Blog : July 20th 2015

      *cough*CR*cough* Woo, flashlights!
    4. Lecic

      Shield regen nerf

      Removing shield regen from combat completely removes a whole portion of the metagame, balancing your regen and capacity. Do you want to be able to take big hits, or do you want to be able to quickly regen the damage from lots of smaller hits? Agreed. The loser rarely dies unless it's agreed...
    5. Lecic

      Inset Collision Boundary. (Block lube!)

      I agree with your post, but seriously... just don't land anything large on a planet. If it's over what would be considered by most people a shuttle, it shouldn't be just lying the surface of a planet.
    6. Lecic

      Random planets

      Because that would cause a massive amount of lag, presuming I'm not misreading and you do infact mean the terrain blocks. This I would like to see, however.
    7. Lecic


      Exactly. Any time someone says that planets are too small, I ask myself... has this person actually explored a planet on foot before? Even a small one can take quite some time to explore all the plates. All we really need is a reason to actually explore on said plates besides a little bit of...
    8. Lecic

      Dread Syndicate

      ...You are joking, right? Right, Thadius? Hello?
    9. Lecic

      Dread Syndicate

      "Outside sources" being... CR, I presume?
    10. Lecic

      The Thryn [Recruitment Limited]

      Names inspired by various moons by the edge of our solar system...
    11. Lecic

      The Thryn [Recruitment Limited]

      The Kerberos and Triton turrets are both fully operational.
    12. Lecic

      Hit Rate and Effective DPS vs. Power Efficiency

      Try it with a weaker cannon.
    13. Lecic

      Hit Rate and Effective DPS vs. Power Efficiency

      Not exactly. 10% means it only has 10% of the explosive effect, so on smaller weapons, you won't be breaking the blocks fully like if you went to a higher percentage. With much larger guns, though, this is true.
    14. Lecic

      Hit Rate and Effective DPS vs. Power Efficiency

      The game will always have some sort of server lag. If you think you shouldn't account for that in your balance, you are hilariously wrong.
    15. Lecic

      Hit Rate and Effective DPS vs. Power Efficiency

      It's often not even a player's "lack of skill" to track a target. It's often server lag. Did lag cause you to miss with your c/p because the ship suddenly jumped forward because your client was slightly behind? Oh well, there goes 16 seconds of damage, down the drain. Did lag cause you to miss...
    16. Lecic

      Hit Rate and Effective DPS vs. Power Efficiency

      The problem with c/p and c/c having the same DPS/block is that it doesn't account for the fact that players miss their shots. A lot. If you miss with an c/c, it's easy to recover. You won't even notice you missed, unless you're missing a large number of shots, because you fire 10 times a second...
    17. Lecic

      Recognized see others in build mode

      Use a scanner. If you get warnings there's someone in your system, hit that scanner a couple times. If something pops up? Go kill it.
    18. Lecic

      Spaced Armor; Key to Vctory

      Quick question- have you ever actually played the game with 400k mass+ ships? Because ships past around... 300m long, maybe? They turn at the same exact speed. And ships of that size can definitely be used with these kinds of weapons against small ships as long as the small ship doesn't have a...
    19. Lecic

      Hit Rate and Effective DPS vs. Power Efficiency

      Cannon/Cannon can fire 10 times a second, meaning it's penetrating 70 blocks in the same time it takes a standard cannon to penetrate 22 blocks. Even if you miss half your shots with Cannon/Cannon, you're still doing significantly higher damage. Cannon/Pulse takes 16 seconds to reload. Sure...
    20. Lecic

      Fixed Direction Turret Axis?

      A fixed weapon with the AI set to ship will work the same as one with the AI set to turret.