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    1. Sven_The_Slayer

      United Colonial Corps Shipyards and Fleet

      I was bored today so I decided to build a new turret. I tried to make a new L5 class but scrapped it in favor of a bigger gun. The L15-5 Cb1000 Railgun This frictionless railgun fires a projectile at tremendous speeds and has enough kinetic energy to easily overcome most shields. She is a...
    2. Sven_The_Slayer

      It was a docking area with ignore docking restrictions enabled. You can do the same thing with...

      It was a docking area with ignore docking restrictions enabled. You can do the same thing with docks and enhancers though I just needed a quick way to show the box.
    3. Sven_The_Slayer

      What comes to mind when you think Pierce?

      That was the point of this thread, I wanted to see who might be confused by the change. I've been in discussion with other testers on this matter already and I wanted a broader opinion from the community.
    4. Sven_The_Slayer

      What comes to mind when you think Pierce?

      Yes, I understand. That is NOT what is happening in game. Currently in game the punch effect modules use pierce damage, and pierce effect uses punch. Look at the configs if you don't believe me. Punch has punch-through set to false and piercing set to true while pierce has punch-through set...
    5. Sven_The_Slayer

      What comes to mind when you think Pierce?

      Currently punch can pass damage to the next block without fully destroying the block that gets hit. Peirce only passes damage to the next block if the block that is hit is destroyed, it also reduces the blocks armor and deals 2x damage to hull. All in all their damage profiles are very...
    6. Sven_The_Slayer

      What comes to mind when you think Pierce?

      Stable Release .18999 has seen changes to pierce and punch effects. The Pierce effect remains mostly unchanged from the previous version but now punch-through deals damage to the first block it hits and then 1/2 the damage to the next block and so on regardless if the blocks are destroyed...
    7. Sven_The_Slayer

      Rejected Reduce the size of the blocks

      Problem: Bigger Ships Take to long to Walk across Solutions you can do: Build smaller ships use gravity elevators Or perhaps the devs can increase the speed of the player or add teleporters. I don't logically see how you get "decrease block size" from taking to long to walk down your 1km...
    8. Sven_The_Slayer

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      Okay this back and forth needs to stop. I do not want my logic thread locked because you guys are fighting. If you want to continue please take it to private messages.
    9. Sven_The_Slayer

      New Forums?

      Good, I'm not going crazy, this isn't just me seeing this.
    10. Sven_The_Slayer

      So... is this '0x10c' ?

      0x10c was scrapped. Besides Starmade is way better than the demos I've seen for that game.
    11. Sven_The_Slayer

      StarSide Blood and Steel Tournament

      I'm eagerly awaiting more of the reviews. Are they being posted elsewhere that I am not aware of? I've only seen one so far.
    12. Sven_The_Slayer

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      Episode 10: Demo Ship:
    13. Sven_The_Slayer

      Council of Intergalactic Representatives

      I'm only worried about this being more of a popularity contest and less about what's best for the game. The person with the most "friends" will likely get more votes even if they are poorly qualified for the job.
    14. Sven_The_Slayer

      Council of Intergalactic Representatives

      Very interesting, I kind of like the suggested idea of having different "seats" based on certain skill sets.
    15. Sven_The_Slayer

      XavLogic: 6 block inline counter circuit

      Wouldn't this be a "shift register"? I'd actually have to see it function.
    16. Sven_The_Slayer

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      Exactly, low isn't the absence of power as it is in Minecraft, it is the circuit sending a low state and any blocks that can receive it. I am doing my best to not refer to Starmade logic as "off" and "on". Some circuits "off" state can be high or low and the same with the "on" state. The...
    17. Sven_The_Slayer

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      Most inputs will be a pulse, I have to come up with a good visual representation of the inputs and outputs. Of course not all circuits have a clear output. SvenCells™ are nice because in most cases it doesn't mater what block you take outputs from and RS_Nor and RS_NAnd are nice because they...
    18. Sven_The_Slayer

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      The inputs on the graphic were labeled "high pulse" and "low pulse" Perhaps I'll need a better graphical representation to make it clearer in the future?
    19. Sven_The_Slayer

      Svens Practical Logic Tutorials

      If I understand you correctly, try this: High Pulse limiter -> Or side of SvenCell™ SvenCell™ -> Delay -> OR <- NOT from High Pulse Limiter or invert the high pulse coming in From that OR -> Delay Chain -> AND side of SvenCell™ This is just the pulse lengthener I showed off in episode 3 with...