Search results

    1. NeonSturm

      Read by Schine Adding tactical options in battles

      That would boost big factions where everybody is online at the same time (more effective large assets). I like the idea of "freezing the target-view" for easy placement of markers sticking to the enemy entities's block's relative 3D coordinates. 1000 damage here (want a missile) 10'000 there...
    2. NeonSturm

      Who do we want as Counselors?

      You linked an interesting Wiki (which I will spend some time on), but your argument has flaws (see below). You can never be sure that the one who made the degrees has thought everything out correctly. Neither you can be sure that the applicant didn't learned just for the test itself. This...
    3. NeonSturm

      Portal Guns in Starmade?

      Ok, what if this protal-gun makes it in, but you require admin commands to use it? Oh wait! The portal-admin command already exists! I wonder if there is a way to print a target's position to STD:out. Then you can easily write a shell-script to parse that data and insert your admin commands...
    4. NeonSturm

      Best ways to travel short distance?

      True, but it would still be nice (for lazy peoples) if Trading-Guild's Shop-Stations themselves have Teleporters available to public use. Do they not want costumers to visit their shops? ;)
    5. NeonSturm

      Exploring Rules of "English".

      You have to know what you are doing for making a wiki with images and stuff like that. Or before coding your own translator (but would miss all the use-cases data big companies have collected already) ( Also I try to visualize or show a structure which you can use for Artificial intelligence...
    6. NeonSturm

      Alarm Block

      Search through forums. Suggested before (have you really joined already 2 years ago and wrote 206 messages?) Sorry if it sounds a bit harsh, but you should know the issue of over-discussed and suggested topics then.
    7. NeonSturm

      Read by Schine Planet based gravity, not based on blocks.

      You need a grid per plate. Internally, there is no pyramid structure. Only cubes. A pyramid takes space as big as the surrounding cube. A gravity module has 5x5x5 chunks, but each chunk needs a value for the gravity it is affected by, or you would need a whole new chunk system, not a multiple...
    8. NeonSturm

      Planet Optimization Suggestions

      But you can go a step further, by only rendering "triangles/faces that were rendered last frame". You can then fill "the gaps" in a seconds step, using less calculations. In fact, these "gaps" don't even need as much detail and can be calculated in background until the next frame, using a...
    9. NeonSturm

      Term 2 Voting Now Open

      dunno. didn't he said he got bananaed? EDIT: I understood that "everybody does Nazi-shitposting but "the last poster" or "the poster who posted an image" got "punished or complains".
    10. NeonSturm

      Best ways to travel short distance?

      Do stations still cost CR to spawn/initiate? And swearing is bad :p (do you mean bet?) Nice idea. Pirates? Would be cool if shops have 1 public TP by default.
    11. NeonSturm

      Rails should trigger area controllers and detect gates

      Maybe you can make an invisible, collider-plane with modded-in blocks. EDIT: Or use visible doors. When the ship hits it stops moving for just 0.5 which triggers the detection and removal of this plane. [EDIT: If not using doors] you can rotate it away (faster than using rails) or move it on 2...
    12. NeonSturm

      Autolinking wireless and swaping/upgrading weapons.

      If you don't have a docket entity or 8x8x8 block accessible without removing other blocks, it's hard to do that in build mode. Experienced players can profit from that too. What about making an array's space as easy configurable as cargo-space? Just make sure all blocks are connected in a group.
    13. NeonSturm

      Read by Schine Adding tactical options in battles

      Why exactly 80%? If it ever makes it ingame, we want more granularity. More sacrificed [ratio = charge/capacity] => bigger radius of protection. If you half shield-area (half height, half width), it could be [1.8x as strong] while protecting [1/2 area with only 20% strength]. [Total strength =...
    14. NeonSturm

      Exploring Rules of "English".

      What rules are important to speak english? You do not only need to know the rules, you need to be able to use them. ((Counting/listening/collecting tips apart from the obvious that are told everywhere else too (from my experience) )) I collect the rare knowledge here. Also the things that...
    15. NeonSturm

      Ask Wookie

      You want questions? The internet is full of questions: I opened some threads where nobody replied. Why? If it is too hard to get, why do others don't get it? :D
    16. NeonSturm

      Read by Schine Planet based gravity, not based on blocks.

      It would encourage blocky-shaped stations :p I like gravity depend on the closest gravity module, using algorithms similar to a sound-source and from which direction you hear the sound first/loudest. But I like the idea of gravity-plating too (the plate closest along x,y,z affects you, if not...
    17. NeonSturm

      Portal Guns in Starmade?

      He wants "free multi-sector teleporters" to what you can shoot from your position. Teleporters you don't have to setup. Makes TPs obsolete except for selecting enclosed interior-rooms.
    18. NeonSturm

      Rails should trigger area controllers and detect gates

      He said he uses variable sizes of ships. He must either dock the tip or measure the size somehow.
    19. NeonSturm

      Read by Schine Sector 'Walls' and Scanning

      Would it not be possible to load a low-resolution, low-actions "sector" from a system-chunk? low-resolution: 1/16 coordinate size + position-update calculation ticks. low-resolution collision handling (don't do collisions except intended). low-actions (trigger actions 1/16th as fast). The...
    20. NeonSturm

      Read by Schine Planet based gravity, not based on blocks.

      If you are between a planet and cloud blocks, you experience gravity too. It's a mechanism sadly needed for creating the illusion of a larger atmosphere (the whole sector) for fighters. Best way to make one is spawning a space station and from there going down to the planet.