Exploring Rules of "English".


    Dec 31, 2013
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    What rules are important to speak english?
    You do not only need to know the rules, you need to be able to use them.

    ((Counting/listening/collecting tips apart from the obvious that are told everywhere else too (from my experience) ))

    I collect the rare knowledge here.
    Also the things that translate.google.com just doesn't get right at the moment.

    I also search for similarities between programming, english and the structure of "human knowledge".
    The share of "human knowledge" which is translated into language when you speak.

    The goal:
    Understand how you can learn english/languages the fastest.
    So I can use this understanding -to learn other languages.
    Help non-english peoples to understand, how to fix auto-translated posts.

    Tip 1. Avoid word-shuffling:
    When using translators, divide your sentences. Make each one short. Dividing avoids many ambiguous meanings created by word-shuffling.

    "It, that and this" all refer to the "last thing" to which "It, that or this" is applicable. Applicable words are narrowed by the sentence structure.​
    Often words are used in 2 segments which are parts of a sentence.
    Often words are used in 2 segments. Segments are part of a sentence.

    Again, word-shuffling(by auto-translating) can disturb reading.​

    Tip 2. Know/learn the words:

    Imagine a triangle. Words are corners. You mean "the middle".
    When using auto-translate, sometimes "the word you chose becomes the new middle" and the [direction→meaning] can only be guessed by context.
    Your meaning is understood, if you selected the closest word. Or when somebody can expect "the word closest to your meaning" in result language.

    "The real equivalent of the triangle" can have 4, 5 or 8 dimensions.​

    Tip 3. Know the hierarchy:
    In math:
    1 + 2 * 3 = 1 + ( 2 * 3 )
    1+2 * 3 = (1+2) * 3 if you don't know the strength of + and *
    + and * have equivalents in a language.
    a "b c" d "e f" =/= "…a" b c "d" e f "…

    A pretty animal that moves
    == A pretty animal. An animal that moves.
    =/= A animal. That moves pretty.
    Programming languages are languages too.
    […] evaluates to
    Haskell : 1 value (→meaning)
    Java : 1 value ( array[x][y][z] = address[ array000+(x*size*size + y*size + z)*size ]​
    (…) evaluates to
    Haskell : a sorted list (value, tuple, triplet)
    Java : a sorted list of arguments f(arguments){commands}
    Java : an expression that evaluates to 1 value.
    {} evaluates to
    Java-Class : a list of properties, access by function/variable-name.
    Java-Array : just a list sorted by numeric keys.
    JavaScript : a structure
    PHP-array : a list of (key, value) entries.​
    evaluation results depend largely on the language/syntax and are meant to be non-exclusive in the greater context.​
    () is ambiguous with "side-notes" in english syntax.
    [] and {} is unused or I do not know their use cases.
    [] is often used by math, embed in english language.
    Tip 4. Equivalents and reasoning.
    A river flows. It contains water. Water it fluid.
    Time flows. It may contain "a ratio of changes". It may "have a density".

    Because of the lack of visual reference throughout multiple sentences, I prefer this structure here:
    →arrow : reasoning (refers to previous text or line or paragraph, first of that exists)
    (river : flows) + (river : contains water) + (water : is fluid) → (river : flows, contains water, contains fluid)
    (time : flows)
    (flows : time does, water does) -(does) → (flows : time, water) → hey, the two are the same by 1 property.
    → they can be the same in their other properties (confirm, deny that).
    … to be continued/updated…​

    Please contribute. Share your perspective. Tell your level of experience.
    Constructive Feedback is appreciated.​
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    Reactions: Black Corporation
    Jan 6, 2016
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    the exact same people that use translators to communicate,I dont believe they catch even a single word you just wrote here xD
    but +for effort,maybe few pumpkins learn it
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    the exact same people that use translators to communicate,I dont believe they catch even a single word you just wrote here xD
    but +for effort,maybe few pumpkins learn it
    You have to know what you are doing for making a wiki with images and stuff like that.
    Or before coding your own translator (but would miss all the use-cases data big companies have collected already)

    ( Also I try to visualize or show a structure which you can use for Artificial intelligence.
    If you understand speaking←→math/concept translations it will be easier. )
    Feb 22, 2015
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    Wow. As a native english speaker with to many credits in english and way to many books in my library...i didn't understand a word of that gibberish.
    Let me go smoke something and try again.
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    Jun 26, 2013
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    I'm confused. Who is this post targeted towards? For native english speakers, this seems redundant. For foreign english speakers, this is too complicated/nonsense. Actually it just seems nonsense in general. Maybe this is actually something, but as an english/german speaker this makes absolutely no sense to me.


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    Feb 17, 2015
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    At first I thought your account had been hacked and was posting advertisement spam, but the way you ended it and then responded...

    What do you mean, don't need to know the rules of English, just use them? Should I assume you are a non English speaker?

    Okay I will stop myself before I overanalyze any more...

    But, what was your point posting this in the starmade forum? Why not off topic?


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Funny how you mention the rules and totally gibberish them and the meaning so badly you might as well have not posted this. >_>
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    What I am trying is to figure out all the stuff I haven't been told in english, on wikipedia or other sides.

    Think about an "Expert system", then add what you get told everywhere or find when you search it and lastly, figure out what's missing.

    OK, may just shut up instead of pushing this thread if you don't like it.
    Maybe you can't get what I said. OK, not everybody needs to understand everything (that would make the world boring :))


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    lol I've been through English classes and I'm in a Technical Writing English class and haven't even heard of that mess in the topic post. If I have it wasn't in the format you posted it in since that is so unable to be understood it isn't funny.