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    1. Master1398

      StarMade no longer starts (log included) [0.189999]

      Tried that a view times already. However: I've been able to get the correct StarMade.jar now. A friend of mine downloaded it and send it to me.
    2. Master1398

      StarMade no longer starts (log included) [0.189999]

      My quess is that i somehow have problems with downloading the StarMade.jar ('StarMade.jar is corrupted' & 'ClassNotFoundException: it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenHashSet'). Would anyone be so nice and upload a working StarMade.jar as the latest update isn't available throug...
    3. Master1398

      Skin Brightness Problem

    4. Master1398

      Anyone checked out the '/creature'-commands?

      /creature_animation_start <animation> <loop/dont_loop> 1 true
    5. Master1398

      A beautiful sight?

      Nice... Reminds me of:
    6. Master1398

      Tried to Upload Corrupted Skin File?

      To th problem with you skin: In the launcher(the connection setup and stuff) 'Settings' > 'Show Advanced Settings' Now you scroll down and set the options to the following:
    7. Master1398

      Custom NPC's

      As far as my research goes the trading guild NPC doesn't get his skin directly from his script (which would be awesome schema ) but if you change his script the skin stays until the server restarts! My quess is that the skin is hooked to any NPC that has the trader script when the NPC spawns...
    8. Master1398

      Custom NPC's

      Is this even possible? If so: Someone give it to me. NOOWWWWW
    9. Master1398

      StarMade v0.188 - A completely new GUI

      Anyone knows where i can download the game without the launcher? The launcher seems to download corrupted files and deleting everything and redownloading everything doesn't help. It comes up with a bunch of different errors ('null point exception' here 'end of file exception' here and again a...
    10. Master1398

      StarMade v0.188 - A completely new GUI

      - awesome gui - saving waypoints - station blueprints - better minimap
    11. Master1398


      I can confirm that it works. I've made a script that spawns ships from one of six custom npc factions. They spawn, they have AI, they fight but they do not move when there is no enemy :(
    12. Master1398

      SMSG - StarMade Skin Generator [Alpha]

      Something like that isn't possible :( But i think i could add a option to load up a texture and split it into different parts (arm, head, body, legs, feet, hands) - which you could import then.
    13. Master1398

      Skin Compiler?

      If i understoud right then you are requesting my StarMade Skin Generator? It doesn't have shading presets but in my opinion they aren't that important. I've divided the player and the trader skin into parts. SMSG allows you to mix these parts to create a skin! Below are some Is that what you...
    14. Master1398

      Skin Won't change for other people

      Skins don't seem to work on some servers since the latest update. Ask a admin if there is a warning saying "GameSmith tried to upload a corrupted skin file" when you join.
    15. Master1398

      More Multislots

      We already can add more multislots because multislots aren't hardcoded. This enables us to create custom multislots by adding the <InventoryGroup>groupName</InventoryGroup> tag to BlockConfigImport.xml. For example: <Config> <Element> <Ship> <Weapons>...
    16. Master1398

      How big is the texture itself?

      If i remeber correctly the actual texture (without the bleed zone) is about 216x216
    17. Master1398

      NPC without members

      The login name of a player has to be at least the characters long. If the fake faction founder name is shorter than three characters no one can join as the faction founder. They can't join using the faction tab but with some tinkering you can create a external (php/js/etc. scripts from...
    18. Master1398

      For the love of Schema give us glass outlines in Build Mode

      While i have to agree that we need a way to toggle the transparency of blocks i think that F12 is already pretty good for that
    19. Master1398

      SMSG - StarMade Skin Generator [Alpha]

      Which is older? Your laptop or your desktop? Maybe .NET 4.5 is not installed on your desktop but instead .NET 4.0. That could be the reason why it says that it can't find 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem' which was added with .NET 4.5
    20. Master1398

      SMSG - StarMade Skin Generator [Alpha]

      Update 1.3: Additional Layers! Working "add/remove layer" buttons You can't remove one of the default layers but you can add up to six additional layers! These layers share the same pile of textures. The first load of additional textures includes: Three different beards (in four colors) left...