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    1. Edymnion

      Implement a REAL fix for bug #1178

      Odd, when I want to kill a core, I prefer beams and cannons WITHOUT explosive modules. Missiles are generally preferred for combat, in my experience, because they don't require aiming. They're virtually always used as either homing or heatseekers, I've never seen anyone use dumb fire missiles...
    2. Edymnion

      Logic systems feature requests

      Yeah, the X in XOR is for Exclusive, meaning only one of the inputs is valid. A NAND is just simply an AND gate with a NOT on it. Don't see a lot of need for a dedicated NAND block when its only a 1 block saving.
    3. Edymnion

      Shield Damage Overhaul Idea (Outdated and dumb)

      Well, two things: 1) Of course small ships aren't worth anything compared to a big one in a one on one confrontation. Its why you don't typically see people with handguns on single outboard engine fishing dingies trying to take down battleships. 2) Small ships are useful, but only in great...
    4. Edymnion

      Implement a REAL fix for bug #1178

      I know this gets said a lot, but this is still an alpha. The metagame as it exists now will not be a thing when it finally launches. People who don't like bugs and playing around them should not play betas, much less alphas. You will only drive yourself insane. Gotta go zen hippy, "Its all...
    5. Edymnion

      Section 31

      Anyone want to help me name this ship? Looking for something a bit grandeous and majestic sounding, without being flat out bravado. I've been leaning towards naming it the Dawnguard, although the Daybreaker is running close behind. Other names I've considered but put behind those two are the...
    6. Edymnion

      Implement a REAL fix for bug #1178

      As a computer programmer by trade, I can perfectly understand the "Oh this is going to take more work to fix than I have time to give right now. Its not a showstopper, just document it and come back to it later." I mean, we all have our personal wants, but there's always a side we don't see...
    7. Edymnion

      Overclocking your 8-bit CPU or Logic :)

      1) Its Cylon, not Zylon. 2) Thats K.I.T.T., the car from Knight Rider.
    8. Edymnion

      Stack Like By Default

      If they're going to limit stack size, they had better start giving us better uses for a lot of this crap. Pretty sure I've maxxed out every shop's inventory in my corner of the galaxy on carved rocks and I still have more than I know what to do with.
    9. Edymnion

      Anti missile thread + moar

      Odd, the fact that beams still lead their shots was my understanding of why they can't shoot down missiles, not that they can't do damage to them in the first place.
    10. Edymnion

      Working 8-bit CPU =D

      Fun Fact, the actual reason that they built the Death Star was so that the Emperor could play Solitaire on the work computer. True story.
    11. Edymnion

      Simple Sorting System

      I prefer to spend more time and set up individual auto-pulls to keep like items in individual sets of boxes. Like I've got two boxes for hull pieces. One does normal hulls, one does crystal hulls and doors. I have a box for lighting and glowie crystals, and above that a box for...
    12. Edymnion

      Working 8-bit CPU =D

      Power to bend space and travel between the stars, 8 bit computers still take up entire warehouses...
    13. Edymnion

      Anti missile thread + moar

      Flak cannons work fine against pirates for one reason, they obey the speed limit. Players on the other hand are routinely on servers with a much higher maximum speed (mine is 300m/sec instead of 75). Missile speed is based on ship speed. The Bobby AI simply cannot keep up with missiles fired...
    14. Edymnion

      Section 31

      Had the best moment with it tonight as well. Discussion on chat about how many jump modules you needed for optimal jumps, and I mentioned the mass of this thing and that I'd need a jump system the size of a house to get it to move. One of the guys that had seen it went "Wait, that thing is a...
    15. Edymnion

      Suggestion; transfer contents of storage when docked

      Yeah, some method of accessing the cargo on a docked ship is a pretty common request. In the mean time, you can speed things up by having a storage box right outside of where you dock your ship, and put everything in it. Then have an auto-pull all set to pull everything from that box into your...
    16. Edymnion

      Salvage Beams: Use All Linked Storage

      Done, bug report #1985. Gratci. And yes, I did have them connected correctly. Ship parts seem to spill over just fine, but the raw crystal/ores do not.
    17. Edymnion

      Stack Like By Default

      And for the record, yes, it is in the BlockConfig file for anyone that wants to change it. Search for the <InventoryGroup> tag and you'll see how it's used.
    18. Edymnion

      Stack Like By Default

      Its hiding in the blockconfig file, I believe. You gotta edit the actual code, but not everyone is comfortable doing that. Hence my desire for it to be a default.
    19. Edymnion

      Change to game systems scale.

      1) Everything that isn't CGI concept art on that is built around the practical systems with the passenger space being much, much smaller. 2) Look at actual existing luxury liners. How much frill and fancy hull design do you see on them? Are they weird convoluted shapes, or are they bulky...
    20. Edymnion

      I feel like we need cargo transfer technology next...

      True, but in the mean time we can just core jump to grab it and jump back.