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    1. jayman38

      Tilting a station....

      I want to see pictures. (F6) Do you make stations starting with ship cores to keep it cheap?
    2. jayman38

      Read by Council Liquid Nebula

      I thought this would be appropriate to explain ship damage during deep dives.
    3. jayman38

      Sustained Warp vs. Schine Engine

      Maybe sustained warp could work like Star Control 2's hyperspace, where you go into an alternate version of the universe, and travel at "normal" speed, but everything is much closer together in that hyperspace universe, so the same speed results in a much farther distance per time. Interdiction...
    4. jayman38

      Change Missile Slave to Multiple Straight Fires

      What should the effect be for a single 1x1 long weapon stick? Maybe add in some additional range? I was thinking weapon speed too, but that won't help beams.
    5. jayman38

      Array Names/Icons

      The icons probably need to add the core weapon type as a small, simple projectile icon. (Bullet on the cannon computer, bright horizontal line on the beam computer, missile with fins on the missile computer, circle on the pulse computer)
    6. jayman38

      Read by Council Liquid Nebula

      I think this idea would need to be released alongside "atmosphere generators" or whatever comes about to give us atmosphere. Reason: Due to all the variable ways builders can build ship interiors or exposed alcoves, there's no easy way to determine interior versus exterior. This is something...
    7. jayman38

      Beam rework/alternate beams.

      I can see this being a positive change to the beam-beam combo. (Super-extended range and slower reload rate) I agree with Knack that the beam range should be buffed. 0.75 like Knack said would be good. 0.8 would be better.
    8. jayman38

      It's about time.

      What about sub-suggestions? I'm thinking about how useful it is to look at things being suggested several pages into a thread that would not otherwise be considered unless one of the devs happened upon it. I'm concerned that those separate ideas won't get their due attention. Sometimes, the...
    9. jayman38

      Block Descriptions are (Hilariously) Bad!

      I would kind of like a super-succinct style, as if data on the block was pulled directly from some kind of database. This way, they still don't require lore. A lack of lore might make it slightly less interesting for those looking for story, but I'm usually just looking for technical details...
    10. jayman38

      Rejected Gold hull

      Don't forget about simulating gold-plated viewports (for reflecting radiation), and gold-covered static structures. It is said that the great pyramids once had an outer layer of gold plating before random thieves ran off with the loot.
    11. jayman38

      Moonwalking mech on a moon.

      It's not only about steam. Like you said, the visual effect could be used for thruster trails, airlock pressurization simulation, internal pressure valves to give "life" to pipes, fire suppression systems, futuristic shower systems, giving life to vehicle launch "catapults", and more.
    12. jayman38

      Make StarMade gameplay more survival-like

      1. Yep. Look at how breakable, inefficient, and disposable stone-age tools are compared to iron-age counterparts. 2. Might take a few years, at which point, the server will probably be due for a universe refresh. 3. Yeah, awesome right??? (Again, probably around the time that the server is due...
    13. jayman38

      Docking should be split: Rails, Turret, Fixed

      In the most recent update, Schema himself said that they were working to implement that to some extent. The question remains: to what extent?
    14. jayman38

      Moonwalking mech on a moon.

      Personally, I think "steampunk" ships should be an aethetic option for anyone who wants to make one.
    15. jayman38

      Stargon, for all your Starmade Jargon needs.

      "Keptick is kredit to team!"
    16. jayman38

      Rejected Gold hull

      Ouch! Rejected right out the gate! Mods to the rescue! Can anyone release a quick-n-dirty yellow-to-gold texture pack?
    17. jayman38

      Make StarMade gameplay more survival-like

      Personally, I think that if we are talking about stone age to bronze age to iron age, then this should be handled as a mod by the server admin, where every once in a while, systems are provided a small addition to their base production to simulate universal technological advancements. (E.g...
    18. jayman38

      Docking should be split: Rails, Turret, Fixed

      By naval turrets, he's referring to this. The main base: the part that turns: neat and big and heavy; will naturally contain the most blocks. The barrels that rotate up and down? Very few blocks, especially if it looks nice, covered in a layer of hull. Without system sharing, any weapon system...
    19. jayman38

      Computer-texture orientation depending on player position.

      Excellent and very space-y idea! I love it.
    20. jayman38

      Multi-coloured Light Block

      I like this idea, but it needs some work. Logic already turns a light on and off, so something new will be needed to alter color. (I think I read some ideas about a secondary logic system, or scriptable blocks that could do the job.) Or maybe just keep it one static color until you manually...