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    1. SmilingDemon

      Starmade server on Raspberry Pi 3

      What error do you get ? Logfiles for that ? i can be wrong but it could be that the new asteroid generation libarys do relly on specific command sets of x86 CPU´s
    2. SmilingDemon

      PUSH/PULL DRIVES: Working as intended?...

      havnt checked yet .. .but from your description it sounds like it works as intended and all other samples are bugged !
    3. SmilingDemon

      What ever happened to game performance?

      that sounds like a problem ... because it shouldnt happen. are you running singleplayer ? did you assign enough memory in the launcher settings to run Starmade properly (around 4 GB should do for SP) make sure there arnt any asteroids around that arnt being loaded for what ever reason (open nav...
    4. SmilingDemon

      Linux and OSX users needed

      PLIX ... are shadows disabled ? if not disable them and try again.
    5. SmilingDemon

      Guys, help! My ship got eaten by a tree!

      so .. we now need a flora infector cannon ... to change the hit target area into trees .. grass and flowers lol
    6. SmilingDemon

      setting up lan in single player

      do you assign IP adresses manually or through a DHCP service from a router? in the later case your adress lease time was up mostlikely and your system got a shiny new and totally different adress from your router assigned ;)
    7. SmilingDemon

      I have a problem

      i am not sure if you are trolling or not ! for your sake i assume not. anyway ... double click it to open the archive ... it should show up in an explorer window ... Windows is by default able to open zip archives. in there is a folder named starmade-launcher-win32-x64 drag and drop that to a...
    8. SmilingDemon

      I have a problem

      did you follow my suggestions i made in your first thread about the problem ? Unable to play
    9. SmilingDemon

      Bug Facing in certain directions while on or near large stations/planets causes a blue strobing tint...

      its a known problem asociated with Intel iGPUs ... at least i think its what you experience here. ⚓ T285 Frame Buffer cause the screen to only render blue on Intel GPU maybe try to toggle Framebuffers using Tab+F3 to see if it makes a difference
    10. SmilingDemon

      Singleplayer faction keeps dissapearing every now and then

      sadly .. not enough logfiles to compare ! i am doing i wild guess here now and claim that everyone with a problem like that has the game installed to a place that is controlled by the OS or Virus scanner software. (like programfiles,download or desktop) so please reinstall the game to a not...
    11. SmilingDemon

      World doesn't load?

      the file got corrupted on a crash or game exit .. and the game than hangs on load on the next start of said file. make sure your installation of the game isnt somewhere in /programfiles or on the desktop or in any other OS controlled place. It seems that that may cause problems.
    12. SmilingDemon

      Texture Issues

      delete the data/textures folder from the starmade install then use the repair option to replace them could be that the new textures (there was a changein the organisation of them) havnt been unzipped properly
    13. SmilingDemon

      World doesn't load?

      go to (starmadeinstallfolder)/server-database/(brokenworld) and delete the file Chatchannels.tag .. then try to access that world again to see if it is fixed.
    14. SmilingDemon

      Problems with turrets

      you did dock your "Turret" to a rail basic or rail rotator. it has to be docked to a turret axis to work and not revert to ship
    15. SmilingDemon

      Fixed Starmade Dock Downloads Are Broken

      KillaKrazy " For anyone who finds this error, simply replace with to qoute Duke here
    16. SmilingDemon

      Bug Latest Devbuild Crash

      which is very non descriptive of your problem ;) maybe Auburn wants to look at that logfile .. for another random linux build not working with the game. is it possible to cover them all ? how many are there ?
    17. SmilingDemon

      Unable to play

      1st .. wrong forum 2nd .. not enough information 3rd .. try a new install with the new launcher StarMade Launcher choose the appropiate one and install to a new directory (for example c:/starmade) (deaktivate Avast Virusscanner if you use that one) if that isnt working then please get us a...
    18. SmilingDemon

      Bug Latest Devbuild Crash

      Yes .. we know ;)
    19. SmilingDemon

      Singleplayer faction keeps dissapearing every now and then

      where ever starmade was installed to there is a Logs folder. sort the files there by timestamp and choose the 2 fitting end and star of one session where it happend then add a .txt at their names end and drag and drop those files into a post here.
    20. SmilingDemon

      Singleplayer faction keeps dissapearing every now and then

      Theats .. please provide logfiles .. from one end of a session when it works and from the beginning of the next when it is broken !