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    1. jayman38

      Brainstorm This Crew: Stations, bonuses, specialties, experience & expense.

      Or maybe have them perform repairs on their duty station room.
    2. jayman38

      Thoughts on a Ship Grapple Beam

      Logic-controlled tractor beam system that runs two beams: pull beam out the front and push beam against the host ship. Hopeful result: the target directly in front of the host ship moves toward the ship, while the push system moves the ship forward towards the target. As for a spontaneous...
    3. jayman38

      Planned slab wedges
    4. jayman38

      Planned slab wedges

      You underestimate the incredibly voracious appetite of modders and decorators. :D However, if you only want a million Block IDs, you'll need 21 bits. With the current needs of blocks including health, armor, and an activation bit, you'll definitely need 32 bits overall (4 bytes) instead of the...
    5. jayman38

      Damage Pulse Killing Missile Entities

      I think all weapons should be able to destroy a missile. Pulse would probably not be too overly powerful, with their long recharge rate. And if someone wants to invest in covering their ship with multiple recycling pulses? More power to 'em. A complete defense against complete missile boats...
    6. jayman38

      Random Ideas Thread

      Right, the salvage modules would no longer be the beam barrel, but would be the salvage effect modules, and the salvage computer would need to be slaved to a weapon system.
    7. jayman38

      AI Ideas Thread

      Personally, I don't think blocks are flexible enough to be the basis for AI commands. With that said, I think the AI needs to be updated with some sort of sequential, hierarchical self-verb-adjective-adjective-subject list. (Verbs: Attack, follow, flee, maintain x distance, dock, attack shields...
    8. jayman38

      Carpet, Wallpaper, etc

      Since the devs have described implementing different rooms in the game, maybe the room-defining element can have a shader-selection system that allows you to select different shaders for the room, to alter block surfaces for the entire room, not the entire build. So in one room, it's very glossy...
    9. jayman38

      implementing slabs with planets for larger funner planets

      I agree on the damage/mining of blocks. Reducing them to smaller and smaller slabs over time to illustrate damage would be a great thing.
    10. jayman38

      Jump Medium! (Very small usage of fuel & relative traceability of jumps)

      Refinement idea: The "medium" left behind would allow scanners to get the jump coordinates that looks like a warp tunnel from the current (jumped-from) sector to the destination (jumped-to) sector. However, this trace would only last 3 minutes. Ships with Jam equipped would reduce that timer by...
    11. jayman38

      Toggle Area Trigger Visibility in Build Mode

      Are you aware of the free-camera? I think it's two pushes of the right (not left) shift button, And then being able to use a control button (left shift?) to mouse around in free-look mode. Similar to build mode, but without being in build mode.
    12. jayman38

      Brainstorm mini-games

      Idea 1: Limiter Block Linked to a storage block - if an entity passes through an activation gate linked to this: if it has the blocks that match the number and type of blocks in the storage block, returns true. Else false Linked to an AND or an OR logic block, linked to a storage block and to...
    13. jayman38

      Planned slab wedges

      I think it's getting to the point where Schine might seriously need to consider upping the bit count per block. Probably from 3 bytes to 4, to make room for all the Block IDs needed. If you pumped it up to 4 bytes, devoting all the extra bits to Block IDs, you could get half-a-million additional...
    14. jayman38

      Ship Name Suggestion Thread

      <Greek Letter Name One> <Greek Letter Name Two> <Greek God Name> (E.g. Phi Epsilon Poseidon) Throw that into a random sentence generator to come up with virtually infinite names. (Add Roman and Sumerian god names to keep it fresh.) Maybe add a SHA-256 of the current date, trimmed down to 4...
    15. jayman38

      Would you be okay with a game engine change for Starmade?

      Voted "Maybe". If the re-write did not easily work natively in Linux, I'd drop the game immediately. :mad: Otherwise, if it was going to work just fine in Linux, I'd wait patiently for it, patiently and sadistically waiting for the day that players try to create and mass-mine 10k-sized planets...
    16. jayman38

      Brainstorm This Events

      Events would be one area of the game where gating/tiers would be great.
    17. jayman38

      Graphics and gameplay suggestions

      1. Dunno 2. Reflection sounds interesting. I'd trade in entity-to-entity lighting instead, but maybe you'd get both with the same change. 3. Moving stars? We already have space dust. Maybe have animated 3D stars with solar flares. 4. Star explosions? Like solar flares and corona ejections...
    18. jayman38

      Mines and their practicality

      Conventional mines aren't practical for a space game environment. To lay down enough for it to actually "catch" someone will require numbers that will inevitably lag and hobble the game. Point Defense remote turrets and stationary drones that can fire their own weapons at passing targets are the...
    19. jayman38

      Release Date

      I'll be surprised if the code goes gold before the end of the decade. There are so many great ideas and changes all the time, and big updates spawn a whole new wave of ideas. I think the game would develop faster if a modular API is released. I think the community will gladly donate solid...
    20. jayman38

      wedge and other slabs(elaborated)

      I'm not sure if the OP is talking about multiple blocks in the same space, but more likely multi-faceted single blocks, made up of simpler shapes. E.g.