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    1. SmilingDemon

      Bug My ship is very optimistic, but I haven't the heart to tell it it's not going anywhere.

      they will unload 2 sectors away and stop moving .. until someone comes in close and reloads them .. i dont see a problem here. its the same as if someone spam spawn crap where ever he goes. only a database bloat issue if it gets too serious.
    2. SmilingDemon

      Bug Every time I try to buy a design from the catalogue I get a NullPointerException :(

      thanks for reporting. i did open a ticket for it. ⚓ T2055 Buying a Blueprint crashes to main menu
    3. SmilingDemon

      Bug Client silently drops connection to server

      to much work load on the server then it lags and isnt responding any longer and at one point you will loose connection i assume. What server is that happening on ?
    4. SmilingDemon

      Lot of Null Error Exceptions Lately...

      Its this one [2016-11-14 11:23:18] java.lang.NullPointerException [2016-11-14 11:23:18] at obfuscated.aDK.e_(SourceFile:179) [2016-11-14 11:23:18] at obfuscated.aDo.e_(SourceFile:128) [2016-11-14 11:23:18] at obfuscated.hv.e(SourceFile:1732) [2016-11-14 11:23:18] at...
    5. SmilingDemon

      How much would the MSI Radeon RX 480 4GB impact my game performance?

      BSODs are usually a sign for driver problem if they are not harware related. as it is working fine under win8.1 i would rule our hardware issues. are you sure you did use the latest AMD driver ?
    6. SmilingDemon

      Bug Strange bug repositions undocked ships into the area of spawn or 0,0,0

      a known problem (or more like a side effect) happens to stuff when for what ever reason their position gets lost .. it will end up in 0 0 0 happens to ships, stations .. dont know if also asteroids or planet plates did that. how exactly that is .. no clue (or cant remember) maybe Andy or...
    7. SmilingDemon

      Accidentally deleted .jar help

      In the Launcher choosing the proper build version (latest Release i assume) and then one of the two download options has to fix that. if your universe files are gone then the Steam Client messed that up i guess
    8. SmilingDemon

      Accidentally deleted .jar help

      what exactly did you delete ? usualy the launcher can be used to make a repair install of the game files and redownload missing stuff that way without loosing anything. you did either delete the whole game folder including your universe and blueprints (sorry then) or made a second install in a...
    9. SmilingDemon

      Bug Spawned an old bluprint, stripped the imterior, now I can't place Power Generators in it

      If it isnt working still then .. please get me the source Blueprint
    10. SmilingDemon

      Game Crashes When Jumping...

      OK . officially out of ideas. i guess your system is either borked or the APU cant handle what the game throws at it ... sorry :(
    11. SmilingDemon

      Game Crashes When Jumping...

      and waiting to see if it catches up after sometime didnt work either ?
    12. SmilingDemon

      Still a bug, has been a over a year

      The faction rank settings are being saved, except when there is to much load/lag/crap going on and the server rejects the change. the player has to make sure that his settings gone through .. and try again until it did. it might be required to open the window again to check each time you try.
    13. SmilingDemon

      Bug Spawned an old bluprint, stripped the imterior, now I can't place Power Generators in it

      did this happen on a multiplayer server ? it very much sounds like a server - client sync or lag/load problem. the server is rejecting the build change for what ever reason. did you try to build on that thing in a new single player game in free space , just to check.
    14. SmilingDemon

      Game Crashes When Jumping...

      as long as you do not start a server instance and a client instance on the same maschine to connect to the said server instance ... the game will use only the specified 4 GB. i still have no clue what the actual error is. there isnt anything in the logs other then ping timeouts (either...
    15. SmilingDemon

      How much would the MSI Radeon RX 480 4GB impact my game performance?

      that depends if your CPU is actually able to handle planet generation fast enough for the GPU to have stuff to do. it is fairly useless to have a GPU that sits there and waits for the small moment it actualy has to work ;) a well rounded package of CPU-GPU is the proper way to go with...
    16. SmilingDemon

      Game Crashes When Jumping...

      Still .. no crash in the logfiles .. they do just end in mid air. are there any further files after the crash in the logfolder (aside from grafcisinfo and logstarmade) ? And the Taskmanager shows your CPU at full load ... what else is your system doing ??
    17. SmilingDemon

      Game Crashes When Jumping...

      I guess the grafics shader for that did change then. OK .. its not the RAM then ^^ however ... the GPU might run out of grafics memory somehow .. because if i have seen that right it shares the memory with system. if possible leave taskmanger open in the back ground and check the performance on...
    18. SmilingDemon

      Bug Issue with Pickup rails and bay doors

      Does this happen on a multiplayer server? sounds to me like a sync problem between client and server
    19. SmilingDemon

      Lot of Null Error Exceptions Lately...

      I did not ! (i hope you see how useless this answer was ;) ) Please get us Logfiles and information about your PC (OS Version ,CPU,RAM size and GPU in use)
    20. SmilingDemon

      Game Crashes When Jumping...

      Is your notebook equiped with mor then 4GB of Memory? are you sure your GPU drivers are up to date? what exact error does it drop when it crashes (the logfile ends without a crash or the usual game exit context) are there more files after the crash in the logs folder ? (java threaddumps...