Search results

    1. Malacodor

      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      Hull cubes only have a single orientation. So it should be possible to combine cubes, wedges, tetras, and pentas into one ID. This way the number of required IDs for hull blocks could be reduces by 60%. The OP's suggestion has a reduction of 80%, but mine doesn't require changing the bit pattern.
    2. Malacodor

      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      I'm not sure whether Schema likes it when people mess with his bits, but I think this is a good idea.
    3. Malacodor

      Move the ship core

      This is a popular request and the dev is aware of it, but he can't promise he'll make cores movable. This is more complicated than it might seem since block coordinates are relative to the core. To move the core all other blocks have to be moved instead.
    4. Malacodor

      A new Turret accuracy mechanic.

      Newbies should stick with Isanths and avoid attacking titans with a fighter.
    5. Malacodor

      A new Turret accuracy mechanic.

      That would remove the need for a pilot to have skill.
    6. Malacodor

      (My Amazing Ideas for) Planet Life and Planet Variation

      That's why I suggested Spore compatibility - the Spore creature editor is freely available, the full game isn't needed, so everyone can use it. That's probably a pipe dream, but who knows?
    7. Malacodor

      Don't punish decoration, give deco blocks zero mass and HP

      Purely decorative blocks should have no mass at all. It wouldn't even be that unrealistic. The mass of a screen, a light or a chair is negligible compared to one cubic meter of massive steel. The only problem is that it could be misused to make hull without mass which can absorb one hit unless...
    8. Malacodor

      Delay block config

      A variable delay would be nice, especially if really long delays where possible to make clocks. But more important than that would be the possibility of having shorter delays, since the current delay is way too long for fancy blinking stuff.
    9. Malacodor

      Call me BiGEdge

      Welcome! There's an introduction thread btw. ;)
    10. Malacodor

      A new Turret accuracy mechanic.

      I want a realistic solution to this problem, because realism helps new players to understand how the game works. In reality further away bigger targets are as easy to hit as closer smaller targets. So there shouldn't be an artificial modifier which takes size into account, but not distance...
    11. Malacodor

      Recognized by Council Add XOR gates

      In real life/Minecraft this is solved by cascading several XOR gates, but since the intention behind XOR blocks is simplification and saving space it should simply be implemented like ltmauve suggested it.
    12. Malacodor

      New Version Leak

      I have to say I'm opposed to chairs as the only place to sit on. Sitting and lying should be possible on all horizontal surfaces.
    13. Malacodor

      Recognized by Council Add XOR gates

      ...and memory cells (they are somewhat tricky to make out of other blocks since it works different than in Minecraft).
    14. Malacodor

      Point to Point Docking

      I'm sorry, I couldn't resist voting for option 3, it was too tempting. But I gave you a like.
    15. Malacodor

      Countermeasures (better for smaller ships)

      NumberOfBlocks refers to countermeasure blocks, not total block count. In my first example NumberOfBlocks is 1.
    16. Malacodor

      Friend or Foe

      It would be more clever and realistic to give everyone a different code, so if a ship gets lost its code must be invalidated, but all other ships aren't affected. Furthermore, activating an IFF should require a password only the pilot knows, and if the pilot dies the IFF self-destructs.
    17. Malacodor

      Friend or Foe

      Isn't this the exact idea behind faction blocks? But heat-seeking missilies difinitely need IFF.
    18. Malacodor

      Do updates overwrite modified config/xml files?

      If a default value in the server.cfg or blockBehaviorConfig.xml, for example, is changed in an update and I have modified this value in my installation, will this value be updated, too?