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    1. ltmauve

      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      Wait, what? Giving crystals wedges means they're more useful for decoration, not less. I don't understand what you mean by this.
    2. ltmauve

      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      Of course, we need an interface for this. Proposal: While in adv. build mode Scroll wheel changes block shapes. WASDQE rotates the block. W rotates the block up (from your perspective), Q turns is horizontally, D rotates the block clockwise, etc. Middle click copies a rotation.
    3. ltmauve

      Filter Blocks (only render X, only remove X)

      Yeah, there should also be by category (hull, hardened hull, normal hull, glass hull, <color> hull)
    4. ltmauve

      Recognized Turrets system with Pictures - [ Poll]

      Right... I totally knew what you were talking about the entire time. "Resting clipping" let's call that. That's not what I want either. My idea is you take your turret, put the hing blocks in, and then link all the blocks in the barrels to it. The physics system assumes it's a different ship...
    5. ltmauve

      Recognized by Council Add XOR gates

      The reason having to build XORs out of multiple blocks is annoying is not only do you need like 6 block for one function, it's also limited to two inputs. Single-only isn't useful once you add in a third gate. As I mentioned above, if you want to control something from multiple locations, you...
    6. ltmauve

      Major suggestions for the most realistic Universe structure possible and more.

      One thing I am going to put in is that it should be relatively easy to go between different areas (for example, there should not be a whole block of plantary systems that, if you are in the middle of, you are close to no other types of sectors. (Disks would be cool though.)
    7. ltmauve

      New handheld weapons for astronauts and NPCs.

      I feel like the forum mods should sticky a list of features that will be added eventually to the top of the suggestions list.
    8. ltmauve

      Recognized Turrets system with Pictures - [ Poll]

      I do feel that completely disallowing clipping means turrets have to proporitonalty larger than before to get the same number of blocks (simply due to how the geometry of a circle versus a square. Anyway, what does not allowing clipping give to the game?
    9. ltmauve

      "Sell" Ship Option

      Would this be avalible anywhere, or just near shops? Would damaged blocks yield full value?
    10. ltmauve

      Increase Weapon Ranges

      Realism shoudn't trump good gameplay. There are plenty of awesome games with mechanics that make no realistic sense but are still fun to play. Also, having a 6-km range for swarm missiles: that's a lot of targets, and there's a huge possibility that you randomly hit some neutral vessel and start...
    11. ltmauve

      Increase Weapon Ranges

      Perhaps missiles need a chance of losing the lock, especially because a powerful enough one can snipe shuttles from a distance. Can't think of an exact mechanic for it.
    12. ltmauve

      An avatar-block

      Well I hope the new HP/overheat system would have a variety of parameters. The schemablock could probably put the ship into a "classic" style overheat, with no particle effects, no explosion damage, and only one "explosion".
    13. ltmauve

      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      Came up with another advantage of consolidating blockIDs: You make transparent blocks behind other types visible. Like if you have glass and then mesh you would be able to see the mesh. The reason I assume this isn't done right now is because the graphics engine would have to know to relate...
    14. ltmauve

      Increase Weapon Ranges

      The real problem with this is turret AI being too accurate and insta-killing everything before people can see each other. {sidenote: can we have the ability to adjust the range at which HUD diamonds start appearing?}
    15. ltmauve

      Increase Weapon Ranges

      I certainly would like to see default ranges increase, but at least changing the range on your own server doesn't mean ships built in it won't work anywhere else.
    16. ltmauve

      An avatar-block

      WHY IS THIS NOT IN GAME ALREADY? Okay the tutorial would be far better if there was a creature giving it to you. (But also players may find it annoying and try to shoot it.
    17. ltmauve

      Recognized Turrets system with Pictures - [ Poll]

      I do not see how adding clipping makes the game better. All I see it that it will limit aesthetic choices, and also add more performance costs, since the game will have to check interactions between each and every turret while moving. It isn't worth it. This. The top part is clearly supposed to...
    18. ltmauve

      Recognized Turrets system with Pictures - [ Poll]

      I'm not arguing against it under the grounds of "stuff we make in alpha should always work," but "a mechanic should not limit aesthetics to only one or two options." Look at crimson-artist's turrets. There's no way you get a full range of rotation with clipping. If a system that prevents...
    19. ltmauve

      Recognized Turrets system with Pictures - [ Poll]

      Except there are designs that won't work as well with a system that doesn't allow clipping, and that means that all turrets have to look the same. We currently have a huge variety of ship and turret shapes, and it would suck if all the turrets had to be redone.
    20. ltmauve

      Docking Modifications

      Repair beam + docking module = shipyard?