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    1. Raisinbat

      A revelation on the redundancy of System Integrity

      100% true, but there are extremely few ships that are perfect rectangles. On almost every ship you could expand the surface like my post says and it would have zero impact due to antennas/wings or other compartments already raising the dimensions. As long as dimensionality isn't raised, the...
    2. Raisinbat

      [Dev Build] Weapons 2.0 impressions from testing the basic 3

      But if you're fighting a moving target at range the missiles have travel time, can be shot down by ams, and can't focus damage in one spot. I'm just really worried that some complete moron who has never, ever tried fighting another ship in starmade, like for example the devs, read this post and...
    3. Raisinbat

      [Dev Build] Weapons 2.0 impressions from testing the basic 3

      Beams spread their damage over the surface now afaik, simply waffle them to keep the damage focused on a single point instead of all over the surface.
    4. Raisinbat

      [Dev Build] Weapons 2.0 impressions from testing the basic 3

      WAFFLE THEM. And shoot moving targets if you're trying to get any kind of useful information out of your tests ffs, real fights aren't stationairy.
    5. Raisinbat

      Can't launch Starmade 199.654

      Try using the old launcher via steam
    6. Raisinbat

      [28th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      This. That would also make it apply to all weapons on the ship, not just the "bomber" weapon, but worse it's a tradeoff that still costs a huge investment, since it requires you to give up other buffs; a major flaw with the reactor system. You literally can never expand it to include new...
    7. Raisinbat

      [12th of May] Schine Bi-weekly Q&A

      To be perfectly fair i didn't read them :ROFLMAO:
    8. Raisinbat

      [12th of May] Schine Bi-weekly Q&A

      There were like 4 questions last time in total and they barely answered them.
    9. Raisinbat

      [28th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      No because the DPS doesn't go up. There is currently no problem with total ship HP but if exponential armor HP is implemented ships will have millions of times more HP. You are very rarely going to kill a ship by penetrating its armor once, any halfbaked pilot knows to roll your ship to prevent...
    10. Raisinbat

      [28th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      The problem isn't armor, it's penetration depth; ships can pile all of their dps into a single block thick hole. Total armor HP scales the same as DPS, giving exponential HP to armor just creates a new problem armored ships are obnoxiously durable. To fix it: give higher damage weapons wider...
    11. Raisinbat

      A revelation on the redundancy of System Integrity

      So much this. Why do these threads always focus on forcing everyone into building like an RPer? You could just focus on reducing the penalties for adding interiors to ship instead. Speaking of interiors: This is interior from a high end PvP ship. There are no systems surrounding any of it...
    12. Raisinbat

      [12th of May] Schine Bi-weekly Q&A

      Are you going to implement a battery feature and the option to turn systems on/off during combat so we can build alpha oriented ships again?
    13. Raisinbat

      [28th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      The problem is how you quantify "Don't Work", which has also been the problem with everything else they do; they never specify, or flat out dont know, what the system is supposed to accomplish so things just float around in indecision limbo forever until they lose interest and patch the system...
    14. Raisinbat

      [28th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      What requirements? This is a REALLY bloated way of saying maybe... Couldn't you just have answered every question with "We'll see"? No clue what you're doing as usual, great QnA (n)
    15. Raisinbat

      [12th of May] Schine Bi-weekly Q&A

      Have you not noticed that every single attempt you've made at balancing the game has made it worse for everyone involved? If yes, why are you not doing anything about it? What are your design goals for combat? Eg. engagement ranges, differences between ships, synergy between ships like carriers...
    16. Raisinbat

      [14th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      It's kind of impressive how every single god damn time someone makes a point about "The game mechanics are busted and don't work" it always gets twisted into "how can we make the game accomodate RP better?" To answer your question; 20/20/20/20/20 is NOT an "optimal" configuration, its just a...
    17. Raisinbat

      [14th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      And you absolutely SHOULD be able to do that, given you're at least moderately competent. In 1.99 there's a fairly wide gap between ships that are simply competent and modular high end pvp boats, but a standard, competently built ship can absolutely challenge high end pvp ships; i've lost to...
    18. Raisinbat

      [14th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      Oh right, like how everyone in hearthstone is forced to play the exact same deck in their pvp player driven meta. Instead of ballancing their "cards" schine have built a "deck" for us that we cannot deviate from without massively handicapping ourselves. It's great how we can both agree that...
    19. Raisinbat

      [14th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      Let me translate it for you since you apparently do not understand what they're posting: and again... So how about instead of telling me i didn't read their garbage post (how would i even find that shitty quote in the first place when its halfway through it???) you learn to understand what...
    20. Raisinbat

      [14th of April] Schine Q&A Answers

      What does turning ship design into a coloring book with zero options for the designer have to do with alpha? There's been plenty of polite posters on these forums who pointed out what i'm pointing out and they got just as much shit from you, the mods and the other white knights as i do, if not...