Rp ships are more like people picking equipment based on how it looks rather than the stats :p You know, like mmo rpers, except unlike sensible rpers a lot of the forum goers expect their RP gear to be competitive...
We're not inflexible on all points. Not everything exists to be bargained...
What's their thrust to mass and what weapons do they have?
That's not a binary choice, xyz reactors can be laid out in many different ways, unlike new reactors which have predetermined effective layouts. You also ballance your reactor layout against vulnerable parts of your ship; maybe the...
Back that up with some examples then.
Also you don't see anything stupid about RPers complaining that pvpers are better at pvp then that's what we're doing and they aren't?
Again, this IS the end of pvp BUILDING if we can't create diverse systems anymore, whats the point? Its not exaggeration...
Here's your problem; you don't what it means to design efficiently. There's no design involved when one option has all the advantages and one option has all the downsides. That's like saying this is a design game:
We can the square peg in the square hole for good efficiency or we can the...
No the power system is being replaced, and with one that doesnt have efficiency. Current power has ways to improve the design, new one just has right way and wrong way; It even limits your ability to choose your system distribution freely since you're now tied to apexes based on exact...
Having some more time to think on this and better understanding the suggestion i want to readdress schema's reason for suggesting this.
These are a good thing, they cause us to think about how we design our ships and come up with solutions for them.
Agree with title, not with assessment. Also...
Why is the aesthetic community so damn determined to exterminate everything that doesn't meet their beauty standards? WHY do you need this? (you don't)
EXCELLENT OBSERVATION except the ship with interior IS ALSO LIGHTER. I'm going to assume you aren't stupid enough to think that all ships must...
From these two things this is a bad suggestion, it's doing exactly what schine's proposal are doing wrong.
You decided what the outcome was going to be, then tailored the system to that outcome. A good system allows players to shoot for different outcomes and provides mechanics that prevent...
Playing mediator between people with legitimate concerns, vs people who just want free handouts isn't mediating; if RPers get what they want nothing is going to change for them; they'll always be shit, because they aren't trying not to. What they want is already achieveable, good looking ships...
Then please explain to me why you are defending a system that eliminates system space as a consideration for design?
This is a really good point.
As an example of how eliminating dense system interior reduces what you end up doing, this is a turret i've been working on:
It's got a large...
Okay, one last time.
PVP players want their systems to affect how their ships work. They want to optimize their builds to get more power out of them. It's how we have fun.
RP players do NOT want their systems to affect how their ships work, because that limits their creative freedom. They...
Group 1 wants to have a system where X is a variable
Group 2 wants to have a system where X is not a variable
This is very obviously not possible. Just replace X with ship systems, and you're done.
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