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    1. Drakkart

      Dude i can hardly express with words how this makes me feel thank you so much!

      Dude i can hardly express with words how this makes me feel thank you so much!
    2. Drakkart

      Suggested coupling a turret AI to a activation module

      all those awesome ideas are not in the game because it is just 3 people working on the game itself and 2 of them could still be considered "new". i have the feeling starmade grew a bit too fast s community demand kinda grows over their heads ; ) Not necessarily a bad thing, it just means that...
    3. Drakkart

      Discreet Shipyards Incorporated Releases

      And here is the lock on missile turret Enjoy LockOn Missile Turret 145k/45s
    4. Drakkart

      LockOn Missile Turret 145k/45s 2016-12-19

      The only remaining missile turret in my collection.
    5. Drakkart

      How to free your sector from faction ships ramming all your stuff?

      Thank you! Well i removed it plain and simple. What is bothering though is that this again feels like a flawed update just becase the fleets got anoying because of wanky ai behaviour...
    6. Drakkart

      StarMade v0.199.349 - NPC Faction Update

      after removing the faction you can not claim the system. it is of uttermost urgency to damn fix fleet movement to not mess with player stuff! and tell the ai it can not create a station where a big frame of a titan takes shape.
    7. Drakkart

      How to free your sector from faction ships ramming all your stuff?

      i tried destroying everything but the faction did not release it's grip on the system. I have a red station in my galaxymap in a sector that is empty. i gave up on waiting for the game to accept that this factions prsence is not wanted here and removed the entire faction. my faction blocks...
    8. Drakkart

      How to free your sector from faction ships ramming all your stuff?

      Basically question in the title it is my build system i didn't bother to ever claim it how to remove a faction from my system? I am admin so what are the steps?
    9. Drakkart

      Criss' Thread

      Reacting from your tweet asking for suggestion for the fleets. Yes ideas but somewhen you guys need to fix the game and ai to make all this stuff work. Besides that you made it pretty clear that you are not loooking for performance...
    10. Drakkart

      StarMade v0.199.349 - NPC Faction Update

      Thank you for the response but is it in general planed to also have a nohome system faction you could align with due switching into a pirate role surpressing communications make yourself a name in the black market that basically is part in every faction. Ok i am comming from how real life is...
    11. Drakkart

      StarMade v0.199.349 - NPC Faction Update

      ok so i am reading the patch notes and i have a few questions: 1. why are the demands for blocks set in config files as instead being pulled from the blueprints of the designs they are utilizing? 2. are factions meant to be a nuisance? when i come to a starmade server in 5 years and i want to...
    12. Drakkart

      Discreet Shipyards Incorporated Releases

      pffft details, just hit the damn knob to open. now show some effort will ya? ; )
    13. Drakkart

      Discreet Shipyards Incorporated Releases

      *pushes Sachys back to the airlock and hands him a screwdriver...*
    14. Drakkart

      Discreet Shipyards Incorporated Releases

      I have one video talking about 7 turrets ... i do not have seperate videos for each of those.
    15. Drakkart

      Discreet Shipyards Incorporated Releases

      the video covers 7 different turrets...
    16. Drakkart

      Discreet Shipyards Incorporated Releases

      watched it? then you wouldn'T wonder why ; )
    17. Drakkart

      Discreet Shipyards Incorporated Releases

      Today you get the small rapid-firing punch-through turret HF
    18. Drakkart

      Small Rapidfire/punch-through turret 2016-12-15

      This cutey is a real gem looks good powers and shields itself and delivers a punch.
    19. Drakkart

      Discreet Shipyards Incorporated Releases

      So here comes the big AMS great against swarmers Anti swarm AMS turret
    20. Drakkart

      Anti swarm AMS turret 2016-12-13

      Anti Missile Turret for capital ships, self sustained and provides an increased effectiveness against swarmers due to the firing pattern I did not invent this fire pattern i saw it on a ship from NuclearFun