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    1. D

      Blueprint bug has been here a long time,,, why?

      I just wanted to know why the Blueprint bug was being ignored and it is being ignored if it has been reported many times. All I get is know-it-all fan-boys telling me I don\'t know what I am talking about with foot in mouth obviously stupid statements. I asked a simple question and I wish...
    2. D

      Blueprint bug has been here a long time,,, why?

      In the change logs of most any game including this one, you will find both new features added and debug activities reported. The differences between Alpha, beta, and full version stages will vary with the developers. You sir have only stated another opinion, not fact.
    3. D

      Blueprint bug has been here a long time,,, why?

      It was a fair question. The statement the first post made,\"because it\'s Schema\'s decision\", was the most honest, and most likely true. The fact that this game is still in the Alpha stage is irrelevent, since debugging and adding new features happens in all stages of program development...
    4. D

      Blueprint bug has been here a long time,,, why?

      According to the forum history the blueprint bug or bugs has been here a long time, way longer than some new features were added such as recipes as an item to be bought and sold. It makes no sense to me that new features should take priority over fixing well known and reported bugs in such a...
    5. D

      Progaurd deobfuscate is causing conflicts.

      Steam has lots of DRM. He is most likely going to hold out using Proguard until Starmade can go full Steam. All you get when you buy a Steam game is permission to play it and almost no content. You don\'t buy the game, you buy what they let you have. I hate Steam. When I buy anything, software...
    6. D

      Progaurd deobfuscate is causing conflicts.

      Well, Java is the main problem. I know many like using java, but it is not the best choice in programming. If Schema is worried about ripoffs, then C++ in a deep compile with serious effort being made toward a modding API is a better route to go. If you are going to go closed architecture...
    7. D

      Progaurd deobfuscate is causing conflicts.

      See the file Starmade/data/ Schema used something called Proguard to substitute every class, method and variable name with a numbered generic name. Then obfuscated and recompiled. Classes used to generate numbered sequences, like the blueprint creator, will always...
    8. D

      This may be ugly but it kicks pirate butt!

      I don\'t know,,, heh. I\'ll have to try it. Sounds like fun. :)
    9. D

      This may be ugly but it kicks pirate butt!

      The stock game, with no changes or new ships in the catalog, pirates can use is pathetic. However, no gamer I know is going to leave it that way. Never assume anybody is going to leave the game stock. Especially when you get more loot drops from bigger pirate ships.
    10. D

      This may be ugly but it kicks pirate butt!

      22 turrets with 16 x10 antimatter guns each. It was fun to build and even more fun to use.
    11. D

      StarMade balance?

      Dire Badger I like this idea, this offers the extreme high end players a challenge, while keeping a fairly safe area where low end players get a chance to be high end players. Much better than just letting pirates use what ever is allowed in the catatlog and have it show up everywhere. Ruins...
    12. D

      StarMade balance?

      My compliments to the Author on this one. A big thumbs up! This game is totally awesome. I have had a few bugs piss me off and if I offended anyone I humbly apologize. However, considering this game is still Alpha, it is not bad at all. Balance will eventually become an issue though, since I...
    13. D

      Player not in a build block or faction ship is killed in Faction Home by Pirates

      I have video proof of this bug. Please watch the 5 minute video( no sound).
    14. D

      Player not in a build block or faction ship is killed in Faction Home by Pirates

      It appears now only the blast energy pentrates the walls of a Faction Home. Considering the most powerful weapons I have see so far, having a blast energy spanning a 15 foot radius, an outer protective shell placed at least 15 foot away from areas needing to be secure, makes sense. Still if a...
    15. D

      Player not in a build block or faction ship is killed in Faction Home by Pirates

      Last night in a test, I stayed in the build block and watched the area for a long time. the swarm kept getting larger and larger. If you have enough weapons you can fight off each wave as it comes but the waves of pirates keep getting larger and larger. So you will never have enough weapons to...
    16. D

      Player not in a build block or faction ship is killed in Faction Home by Pirates

      It is not my server, but I can confirm the problem on my own personal install of Starmade. I have tried to find ways to do things different and it always ends up the same. I have watched missiles pass right through walls to hit a nonfaction ship. Others have had this trouble as well. While the...
    17. D

      Player not in a build block or faction ship is killed in Faction Home by Pirates

      A proper faction home is a faction block set to a space station or planet signed with your faction and made fact home in the faction block menu. Pirate weapons fire passes through walls, planet terrain, to destroy any ship(faction or not) not docked or landed. What is worse, a player not in a...
    18. D

      Weapons fire passes right through faction home walls.

      \"passing pirates will shoot \"passing pirates will shoot right through it(a faction home) to any undocked ships\",,,, well players can\'t dock so they are always at risk. I totally disagree with this, if you are right. A good programmer never delibrately uses collision like that. Come...
    19. D

      Weapons fire passes right through faction home walls.

      \"passing pirates will shoot right through it(a faction home) to any undocked ships\",,,, well players can\'t dock so they are always at risk. I totally disagree with this, if you are right. A good programmer never delibrately uses collision like that. Come now,,, A force powerful enough to...
    20. D

      Weapons fire passes right through faction home walls.

      I have placed a faction block and a building block in a space station. I created a new faction name and and made the space station a faction home. Weapons fire passed right through the station and killed me. I added shields to the faction home and no difference. The weapons fire passes right...