Blueprint bug has been here a long time,,, why?

    Jul 10, 2013
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    According to the forum history the blueprint bug or bugs has been here a long time, way longer than some new features were added such as recipes as an item to be bought and sold.

    It makes no sense to me that new features should take priority over fixing well known and reported bugs in such a popular feature like blueprints.

    I have found many reports showing missing ships after you pay for them and multiple turreted ships are always missing some of the turrets. Large ships have been reported having missing parts.

    This is a fair question. Why are blueprint classes and methods not getting fixed in favor of new features?
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Which blueprint bug?

    I would say the answer to your question is because you\'re not schema\'s manager or publisher. I\'m just saying.

    It\'s his choice whether he wants to fix bugs after they\'re found and introduced, when it\'s likely to be easier, or wait until later and try to fix them all at once, when it\'s likely to be harder. Right now he appears to be fixing some as he continues to work on the game, rather than alternating between features and QA/bugfixing, but forums have to be the second worst bugtracker ever used (the worst being memory), IMHO. Perhaps the testers use an actual bug tracker, but that would still rely on them spotting novel bug reports and adding them to the bug tracker, repeating the work of the original bug reporters (although it would filter out duplicative reports).

    If you\'re interested, have a look at this:
    Jul 14, 2013
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    It makes no sense to me that new features should take priority over fixing well known and reported bugs in such a popular feature like blueprints.

    Alpha is the stage of development where the primary focus is in implementing all the desired features the game is meant to have. During this stage, the developer simply goes with what works. It makes no sense to spend effort on bugfixes during alpha, because the next new feature will break everything again anyhow.

    Beta is the stage after all major features have been added in which the developer switches their focus to heavy testing to remove the bugs created by the alpha. This is why the common phrase is \"Beta Tester,\" not \"Alpha Tester.\"

    Bottom line... This behavior is normal for a developer who hasn\'t even reached the beta stage of development. A free-alpha is an opportunity to see a game in its early stages of development for shits and giggles, rather than a chance to play a nearly-finished game for free like an open beta is.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    It\'s like metalsmithing.

    Alpha is creating the basic shape of the metal (say, a sword). You get a rod, or just an api, then you keep pounding at it to make it long and thin (Creating an alpha), then you bust out the little nicks and make the sword sharp (beta), to make it ready for release to the purchaser (Released)
    Jul 10, 2013
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    It was a fair question. The statement the first post made,\"because it\'s Schema\'s decision\", was the most honest, and most likely true.

    The fact that this game is still in the Alpha stage is irrelevent, since debugging and adding new features happens in all stages of program development, from pre-alpha to any declaration of full version numbering.

    Ya\'ll wanna try agin ?
    Jul 14, 2013
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    If you can\'t take the answers to your questions reasonably, I\'ll just leave you to your ignorance.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    If you are upset that the only coder is not spending time on fixing bugs on experimental options and features which he may not keep in their current form, then I would advise for you to wait until he has comeconclution as to what should be the final way things are done and then applies repairs worth his time to make sure the final system is how he wishes them to be. If you would like to report errors with the current selection of features, please post in the bug forums.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    I\'ve heard that before, from the developer of Shores of Hazeron. It\'s just worse every year, though...
    Jun 24, 2013
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    The fact that this game is still in the Alpha stage is irrelevent

    Uhh no its not, bugs are to be expected in Alpha software. Alpha is when the product is ready to be tested by others, and features are still being added so they can be tested.

    Beta is when the software is (usually) feature complete, and the bugs are ironed out.

    The come Release Candidates which are usually free of bugs and ready to be released, and any final bugs are found and squashed until you have the...

    Release Version. This one is free of all known bugs (its impossible to have 0 bugs in any complex piece of software, especially one that uses 3rd party libraries and is run on lots of different hardware).
    Jul 10, 2013
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    In the change logs of most any game including this one, you will find both new features added and debug activities reported.

    The differences between Alpha, beta, and full version stages will vary with the developers.

    You sir have only stated another opinion, not fact.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I never said you can\'t fix bugs, but the main point is to introduce new features. So asking \"why isn\'t the bug fixed and we have new features???\" Well.. because that is the point of Alpha. Get new features out there and see what works well, once you have the base features finished, you move to Beta and start fixing all the bugs. Of course you want to fix game breaking ones asap during all stages of development, but the hard to figure out / rarely occuring ones take a back seat to new features because there is only so much you can do at once.
    Jul 30, 2013
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    It\'s a free game, why are you complaining? The developer knows that there are bugs, and if he ever hopes for a profitable product, he\'ll fix the bugs. Be patient, report bugs in the correct forum, and enjoy the game. If you don\'t enjoy the game in its current state, go play something else.

    \"Makes no sense to you\". That\'s because you\'re not creating the game. Have some faith that Schema knows what he\'s doing. If you don\'t/won\'t, then go make your own version of Starmade. You reported a bug that has, by your own admission, been reported many times already. Stop being useless and looking for answers that you\'re just going to argue against.
    Jul 10, 2013
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    I just wanted to know why the Blueprint bug was being ignored and it is being ignored if it has been reported many times.

    All I get is know-it-all fan-boys telling me I don\'t know what I am talking about with foot in mouth obviously stupid statements.

    I asked a simple question and I wish Schema would answer it.

    Why has the blueprint bug been deliberately ignored? it is a fair question which deserves an answer from Schema since nobody else seems to know what they are talking about.
    Jul 30, 2013
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    Schema can personally answer every question asked on the forums, or he can work on improving the game. Which would you rather? With every minute Schema spends working on Starmade, the blueprint bug is that much closer to being fixed. Personally, I would rather he spend time working on the game.

    Yes, the blueprint bug is highly, highly annoying. There are some work-arounds, but nothing that works 100% of the time for 100% of blueprints. I, like you, and probably most people that have played Starmade for any length of time, have dealt with this bug. The right response isn\'t coming to the forums and asking for a personal explanation from the developer about why this bug, out of all the many, many bugs Starmade has, hasn\'t been fixed.

    The right response is to report bugs you find, see if the community has any solutions for the bug, and do your best to resolve your particular issue. If you can\'t fix it, you grin and shrug your shoulders, remembering this an alpha version, and go about your life.

    OK, sorry, venting done. This isn\'t really directed just at just you, but all the nubs that come on forums simply to whine and/or complain. It just really irritates me, is all. And yes, I realize you\'re not on here complaining per-se, just wanting an explanation. But just have faith in the developer, mate, he knows way more about how Starmade works than you or I. He\'ll get to the blueprint bug.