Player not in a build block or faction ship is killed in Faction Home by Pirates

    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    A proper faction home is a faction block set to a space station or planet signed with your faction and made fact home in the faction block menu.

    Pirate weapons fire passes through walls, planet terrain, to destroy any ship(faction or not) not docked or landed.

    What is worse, a player not in a ship or building block has no place to hide. He/she can hide deep in a cave or space station and still get killed. If a player can not get to a build block or ship in time, he/ she is dead.

    So go find a ship or build block to hide in you say? well that does not work either because the player is targetable anywhere and the pirates will not leave. The pirates continue to swarm in larger numbers until you leave the server or die, whether you fight back or not.

    Seems to me this should have been a weapons fire collision rule instead.

    Think about it, a force powerful enough to blow a hole in the wall, can pass right through the wall to kill a player or an undocked ship.

    This is not right. It means no safe place in the Starmade Universe, no safe place at all.

    Please give this proper attention.
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This has never happened to me and I\'ve never heard anyone say about this and I\'ve been inside my faction\'s home space station long enough during a load of pirates passing or raiding that they don\'t hit me through the walls so maybe it\'s a problem with your spercific server or something.
    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    It is not my server, but I can confirm the problem on my own personal install of Starmade. I have tried to find ways to do things different and it always ends up the same. I have watched missiles pass right through walls to hit a nonfaction ship. Others have had this trouble as well. While the pirates can not target the Faction home, they can still target anything else as if the walls were not there.

    Players are targeted by pirates whether they are faction or not. A player should in the very least not be targeted by pirates in a faction home, if the player is not allowed some measure of protection besides the inconvenience of finding the nearest build block to hide in, what good is the game?
    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    Last night in a test, I stayed in the build block and watched the area for a long time. the swarm kept getting larger and larger. If you have enough weapons you can fight off each wave as it comes but the waves of pirates keep getting larger and larger. So you will never have enough weapons to fight them off.

    Physics says the power and ammunition has to come from somewhere. Even if you try to fancy the wording up power and energy are not inexhaustable in any universe.

    And then there is the weapons fire which passes through walls to kill you.

    Please fix this.
    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    It appears now only the blast energy pentrates the walls of a Faction Home. Considering the most powerful weapons I have see so far, having a blast energy spanning a 15 foot radius, an outer protective shell placed at least 15 foot away from areas needing to be secure, makes sense.

    Still if a Faction home is supposed to be \" invincible \" the walls should obsorb or reflect all of the blast energy.

    Either way, now there is at least a way to deal with the probelm of keeping areas completely secure (and stay away from the walls during attacks, hah). :)
    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    I have video proof of this bug. Please watch the 5 minute video( no sound).