Progaurd deobfuscate is causing conflicts.

    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    See the file Starmade/data/

    Schema used something called Proguard to substitute every class, method and variable name with a numbered generic name. Then obfuscated and recompiled. Classes used to generate numbered sequences, like the blueprint creator, will always encounter a naming conflict with the numbered obfuscation naming.

    The stuff he used to protect his programming from early modding is possibly causing some bugs.

    In blueprints, for example, any attempt to save a ship with multiple docked turrets will never create a blueprint with all the turrets.
    Direct comparison testing(between the obfuscate and original compile) of some reported bugs makes sense to tell if this conflict is true.

    If it is true then bugs with Proguard conflicts will have to wait until Schema decides to stop using Proguard all together.

    It is a foregone conclusion this game has a vast potential.

    I would remind readers, although Minecraft does not even come close to comparing to Starmade, Vanilla Minecraft, in alpha and beta stages(essencially a boring game) enjoyed and overwhelming success due to the available mods and massively collective ingenuity of the public.

    Everybody knows digital locks of any kind are only temporary, regardless of the complexity, so prepare for the future in a manner which embraces the public, instead of fighting them.
    Jul 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I agree modding is awesome, but your use of Minecraft as an example isn\'t really relevant because it used Proguard itself, it\'s just that the Bukkit people (and others) were dedicated enough to reverse-engineer the obfuscated code and provide a modding API on top of that. They had to re-do that work every time it was updated.

    What other bugs are there being caused by Proguard? It\'s very configurable to ignore certain classes/names/whatever, so it\'s proably possible to fix a bunch of the bugs it causes.

    If they distribute a version without Proguard it\'d be effectively the same as providing the whole source code to the game because Java is so easy to decompile, if they did that they may as well just release the code itself with purchases, under a license that allows modding but not other distribution (which I would totally love him for). It\'s probably in his best interest to keep it locked down for the time being though because doing that also makes it much easier for someone to rip him off.
    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well, Java is the main problem. I know many like using java, but it is not the best choice in programming.

    If Schema is worried about ripoffs, then C++ in a deep compile with serious effort being made toward a modding API is a better route to go.

    If you are going to go closed architecture then go all the way. Java is way too hackable for that.

    Like I said digital locks are only temporary. Either you embrace the public totally, spend too much time fighting them with primitive locks, or use a good lock and give the public something to modify.
    Jul 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    Steam has lots of DRM. He is most likely going to hold out using Proguard until Starmade can go full Steam. All you get when you buy a Steam game is permission to play it and almost no content. You don\'t buy the game, you buy what they let you have.

    I hate Steam. When I buy anything, software, food, furiture, cars, etc., this stuff is mine. I do not purchase a right to use these items.

    I reserver the right to use, modify or destroy anything I purchase in the privacy of my own home. Should I decide to modify something and make it available to others, then I have broken the law. Microsoft and Valve( founder of Steam) as far as I know are the only ones using DRM(D-igital R-ights M-anagement) to extremes.

    If Schema goes full Steam with Starmade, this will possibly retard the full potential of the game due to DRM redtape.
    I for one will never touch anything requiring a Steam account.