Recent content by Starlight Walker

    1. Starlight Walker

      Explore, Land, Survive.

      Why stop at monsters that spawn, why not genetically mutate them. Capturing creatures to "harvest" for specific DNA traits to build the perfect monster. to balance it, the more you mutate it, the more unpredictable, chaotic, and nightmarish it becomes. Imagine, scientific stations overrun with...
    2. Starlight Walker

      More Ambient Sounds

      I am going to be the boring person and say that you don't hear sounds in space because sound travels through the vibration of atoms and molecules in stuff like water and air, and last I checked, there is no air in space Then again, this is science fiction.. Give us all the sounds!
    3. Starlight Walker

      New turret AI setting: "Fire at astronauts"

      While a Fire At Astronaut setting would be good in some instances, someone could easily put one of those at spawn and kill all the newbies. Tho something like a Fire At Asteroids would be more useful(especially if they make it so asteroids can damage things)
    4. Starlight Walker

      Player based Fleet Groups

      If you recall the "Battle Over Coruscant" from episode 3 of starwars, then you will know a few things about how they fight, like how they use turrets and buzzdriods to take care of smaller ships, But the most interesting thing is how the tracking missiles work, particularity how the small ships...
    5. Starlight Walker

      Active Blueprint Technology

      One thought I had for blueprints is that you should be able to set up some sort of factory on a ship to construct them, Something like the ABT would be crucial for ANY type of manufacturing, (serious)Power/shield supply, and oxygen implementation to exist.
    6. Starlight Walker

      Suggestion for Hyper Drive

      Are you suggesting that we power space-time distortion by throwing a star into a black-hole? Or just chip off a bit of a black-hole and contain it inside part of your ship?
    7. Starlight Walker

      Replace surface shields with bubble shields.

      One of the problems with boarding ships is that a lot of them have heat seeking missiles, If you were trying to get from one ship to the other over any type of distance, you would need to be able to project a shield(Perhaps in a tube shape) to allow astronauts to survive in combat space. I...
    8. Starlight Walker

      Energy Sword

      Maybe it would be possible to create some sort of basic generator to generate different looks of swords/knives that players and "mobs" can use, it would make the look(and maybe fighting) more varied, and not to mention it would be extraordinarily cool :)
    9. Starlight Walker


      that would look really good on wrecked ships floating around and ships made to look like they are being built! are you going to let us climb them?
    10. Starlight Walker

      Garbage disposal

      Maybe something that can covert matter into energy.. seams more efficient then throwing it away
    11. Starlight Walker


      How about it looks and is called an energy burst, that why we don't have to rely on oxygen or something. when it hits spaceships/players/ect it could spark between points having a chance to do more damage and maybe it could electrify blocks.. We could make entire planets electrified so ships...
    12. Starlight Walker

      Suggestion: Worm Holes

      how about the ability to change warpgates to edit wormholes slightly! and re-pipe them!
    13. Starlight Walker


      How about like a half sphere tent thing that you pipe energy,basic terrain blocks, advanced terrain blocks, and atmosphere blocks and pipes that you can connect to ships and stuff! giant tanks of freezing stuff and purple stuff on spaceships would look REALLY cool, and we could have refueling...
    14. Starlight Walker

      Hi, i'm still a thing

      ezron-titan-vis-vuranium-quazo-incantum! I have turned the ground to chocolate! prepare to faint from sugar!
    15. Starlight Walker

      Hi, i'm still a thing

      Evon-canti-mushrom-pompus! I have evoked randomness supreme!