Recent content by nschmidtty

    1. N

      "To prevent building exploitation..."

      I'm having the same problem too. Building on a planet, everything is docked, but still can't paste, either on that plate or any of the others.
    2. N

      Dev Blog : October 21st 2016

      This looks awesome, but how will it affect the volume of stations in the galaxy? Will we see the enormous amount of stations currently spawning in a system (20+) decrease to a smaller number or will the number of overall stations stay relatively large?
    3. N

      Limit Station Spawning

      This is a great idea I haven't thought of! Thank you!
    4. N

      Limit Station Spawning

      Is there any way to severely limit (like 1 or fewer per system) station spawning? I know it can be done for shops, but I haven't seen a way to do so for other kinds of stations. I personally like having a very sparsely populated universe, it increases the potential and importance of every station.
    5. N

      Read by Schine Have Bobby AI Modules Take a Logic Input That Overrides the AI

      The idea is to allow fleet commands to be overridden by a high logic input and another command be input instead. For instance, if the signal is high, you could program in "on high signal, return to carrier." Something like this would be really useful for mining drones, you could have the...
    6. N

      Rhombicuboctahedron Planets?

      I really like this, especially the truncated cuboctahedron! Because of the high number of sides, (and the addition of smaller plates), things like polar ice caps become not only viable, but easy. This could lead to better planet geography.
    7. N

      Constellations and Clusters

      One thing that's always bothered me about galaxies is that everything seems so square. Take this picture for instance, the stars seem to line up in rows: Outside of the general shape, there is no galactic geography, no chokepoints or clusters. In short, every star within the galaxy looks...
    8. N

      Recognized by Council Two Quick Nav Suggestions

      There are a couple "quick fixes" that I feel would add a bit to the universe in terms of navigability: - I'd love to see the ability to rename stars via the faction block when claiming a system. This way system names will mean something and help you navigate the galaxy. - As somebody who...
    9. N

      This normal now for planet atmosphere?

      I'm having the same issue! After some googling, found an open ticket for what seems to be it, looks like the result of a fix for a different issue that was added in 0.19228: Interestingly though, I only see a grey sky on green planets, desert and ice...
    10. N

      Ideas on Planet Generation

      Hello everyone! I’ve been playing on and off for about a year and lurking on the forums, but I’ve never contributed before. Anyway, I’ve been thinking about planets and the (seemingly) frequent criticism that they are not interesting or useful enough to be worth settling on/visiting. I like...