Recent content by Leviticus777

    1. L

      9-segment dynamic marquee/sign! 2015-04-06

      Hello everyone! This is my first public creation for starmade and I hope you all enjoy it. This is a 9-segment marquee. Essentially, it allows you to create a string of up to 15 characters to write a message that will rotate across the board. PLEASE NOTE THAT WHEN FIRST LOADING THE SHIP, IT MAY...
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      Elysian Plains Server (Mining economy!)

      I did make certain things more expensive haha :P I haven\'t touched manufacturing yet, but I\'ll try to.
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      Elysian Plains Server (Mining economy!)

      Welcome to Elysian Fields! We are a new server trying out some features. Enjoy your stay ! We are hosted (currently) in Europe, but ping should be decent in US (I live in CA and get 140ish ping)...
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      [WIP] Van'gast Traveller [Update: Exterior on Progress]

      Picture seems broken for me D:
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      Alright, well when you do, hit me up via pm or something haha :D
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      Do you play on a server somewhere? I\'d love to see this in game too :D
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      New Controls

      The only control I felt that I wanted to change was the \"leave ship\" one. Just because I would accidentally hit the r key mid-flight at times, only to watch my ship speed on past me.
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      New Way of buying from shops

      This would make it extremely difficult for large ships.
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      The suggestions forum seems to have gone downhill.

      Why? The whole purpose of a forum is conversing. The developers want to hear what the ENTIRE playerbase has to say. That is not necessarily an exclusive privelage given to those who have been here longer.
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      Quick Speed Limit Math

      Breaking news: the stare made universe is in the process of contracting, as is evident by the extremely minute distances between planets.
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      Great ship compilation project.

      I was thinking of something similar. Seems like a neat idea to me!
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      Bobby AI and Furniture Suggestion

      I think furniture is definitely something this game needs, or at least more kinds of blocks to enable creation of furniture (i.e. half blocks). Furniture could be used on planets as well :D I also think this game should offer more along the lines of trading and mercantile activities, so as to...
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      Red Gentlemen

      Once I find a suitable server then sure. I\'ll contact you via pm as soon as that happens haha
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      Red Gentlemen

      I was thinking about something like that :D The motto is a good idea though, didn\'t even cross my mind. Thanks, I\'ll keep it in mind!
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      Really low Fps

      This game is more intensive than you think. I have an i7 3.4 GHz quad, 12 GB RAM and an ATI 6770 GPU. Normally I get around 500 fps, b ut sometimes even with this, I drop to 60 :P