Recent content by Elladan

    1. Elladan

      Decals and Logos

      Yes, that's what I meant, you have to upload/download extra files for each logo.
    2. Elladan

      Decals and Logos

      Well, doing your own logo with blocks is far easier for everyone's compatibility to the game. However I understand it can be hard to design a logo on a small craft. But I think your idea is not enough valuable for the work it implies. Sorry.
    3. Elladan

      Station Blueprints?

      In fact for now, you have to import/export the whole sector to "blueprint" a space station. It's both admin's functions so if you build it in solo, you can export the sector then, if the admin agrees, he can import it on his server.
    4. Elladan

      Plex Lifter

      Yeah the third point would really be a plus to fully complete the feature and extend its use to our imagination ( which is huge :D )
    5. Elladan

      Plex Lifter

      Hey ! If I'm coming to you today, it's because the Plex Lifter exists. BUT IT IS NOT AWESOME ! Here is my opinion about how to make it better, a lot better ! First of all, why limit the Plex Lifter to make things goes up ? Why not be able to place the block sideway ? I believe that the block...
    6. Elladan

      Transmitter/ Receiver

      You may have forgotten adding content ( thoughts, opinions ... )
    7. Elladan

      Transmitter/ Receiver

      Well, it depend, the base can program an identification code to be received. ( Considering ideal signals, it's quite easy, the logic isn't that "large" ) But yes hijacking computer would be really fun and could be associated with logic a lot ( I made another thread about Hijacking before logic...
    8. Elladan

      Transmitter/ Receiver

      That could be but it would remove the fun of trying to deceive a faction when approaching their base with a ship by sending a signal that would go through their receiver's logic.
    9. Elladan

      Inter-ship logic blocks
    10. Elladan

      Sensors Anyone?

      Well I'd see sensors in a more radical way. No sensors, no mobiles target in navigation :) ( You can still see space stations and planets because you have a map ! ) And range would as you say increase with the number of blocks.
    11. Elladan

      Bug kills my i7!!

      mads444 I assume you've assemble the pc yourself. Have you chosen a big enough power source ? ( especially if you have 2 graphics card in SLI ) It might cause the cooling system no to run at his maximum efficiency. Else, try lowering the setting in Starmade launcher to increase performance...
    12. Elladan

      Bug kills my i7!!

      Sure, because Starmade is programmed in JAVA while the others are in C/C++. Also, they use a lot more graphic memory than Starmade
    13. Elladan

      Bug kills my i7!!

      Well if you're cooling doesn't support your i7 while being used between 40-60% it's not the game's fault ! Either the thermal paste is too old or your computer is either full of dust or have its vents unprogrammed. Anyway, I don't think StarMade support can be of much help on the subject ...
    14. Elladan


      Erf seems we can't :'( I thought we could activate/disactivate blocks with logic too ( like disable thrusters, weapons, shields ... to focus power elsewhere )
    15. Elladan

      SD HCT xm3.4 Power v2

      I disagree, more energy = more shield. In my humble opinion, the problem was more that no weapons can go through a shield ( correct me if I'm wrong ).