Recent content by dreadofmondays

    1. dreadofmondays

      StarMade is greenlit

      Fantastic! :D
    2. dreadofmondays

      A Couple of Ideas that can help Faction homes be safer.

      You know faction homes are automatically invulnerable to damage
    3. dreadofmondays

      Here are some additional hull shapes I'd like to see.

      View full size:
    4. dreadofmondays

      Error at Loading

      This is a VERY common problem. There are numerous threads on the forums about it. You should look at them before starting your new one. Also, in announcements is a new user FAQ that also details this. Check that out
    5. dreadofmondays

      Core problem

      There\'s already a thread on this. Please search the forums in the future.
    6. dreadofmondays

      Some questions. Some frequent questions are answered here. For your other questions; setting up a homeworld involves creating a faction, joining it, and setting the world as your home. More info about this...
    7. dreadofmondays

      New Game?

      As far as I know, there\'s only one save file.
    8. dreadofmondays

      Teleporting away from your ship when you get out

      Guys, alpha is alpha. This is a known issue that happens under some circumstances. There\'s not really a solution right now, except possibly building your ship core in a more accessible place.
    9. dreadofmondays

      How do I import blueprints?

      Well, in that situation, it should\'ve worked. idk, check your cash again, make sure you are doing everything right. FYI, you will not immidiately enter the ship. The ship will appear somewhere around you, in space
    10. dreadofmondays

      How do I import blueprints?

      In order to purchase a ship from the catalog, you need to be in range of a shop. Uploading to multiplayer servers is buggy and often does not work. More info:
    11. dreadofmondays

      Intel card, cannot star the game

      Update your integrated and dedicated gpu drivers and see if that solves the problem.
    12. dreadofmondays

      Shield Re-balancing

      Ixalite, you\'ve brought up an important point. We will get hundreds of players, and possibly hundreds of different interpretations of how \'their game\' should function. There\'s going to be a conflict of interest eventually
    13. dreadofmondays

      Critical Error. Please help.

      Sounds like are servers are simply overloaded by the amount of new players joining them.
    14. dreadofmondays

      New Game?

      You can\'t reset and save at the same time. That\'s doesnt make sense. This question is answered here:
    15. dreadofmondays


      Go here for mac related issues: Sorry we can\'t be of more help.