Recent content by DraconisDomini

    1. DraconisDomini

      Read by Schine Mobile Shipyards (shipyards on ships)

      If we had NPC shipyards that one could take materials to and pay a fee (either in credits or materials) to use then shipyards on ships would not be necessary in order to be a nomad. Want to build a new ship with all the materials you've collected? Just pop down to your local Trade Guild...
    2. DraconisDomini

      Core drilling under the new HP system

      The core being invulnerable (until the rest of the ship is destroyed) makes the most sense, though of course it means that if your core is in the part of the ship that gets destroyed, then when the ship starts overheating you will get dumped out straight into the path of the enemy guns.
    3. DraconisDomini

      Brainstorm This New Power Block

      I believe the original point of this thread was to discuss the idea of a power block that produces more power than the current power reactors, but that explodes when hit. That concept does not require or have anything directly to do with fuel, so I would suggest that debates on the merits or...
    4. DraconisDomini

      Core drilling under the new HP system

      OK, so I haven't had a chance to test out the latest update yet (though it sounds exciting), and won't be able to for a while, but a thought occurred to me. What happens under the new HP system if the core is destroyed? Under the new system a ship will start to overheat if half the ship has...
    5. DraconisDomini

      I think the trading guild is f*cked up

      I just wish the trading guild wouldn't keep showing up at my base with a squadron of Isanths and proceeding to *fly into everything*. I'm just minding my own business and then look out the window and think 'huh, why the hell is my ship listing? Oh, it's because the damn trading guild have...
    6. DraconisDomini

      Positive Review: Mikeland AUS Server

      As a broadly disinterested outsider this whole debacle seems to be a matter of six of one and half a dozen of the other (as my mother always used to say). Whether it was due to a glitch over which you had no control or not, attacking and destroying ships which it must have been fairly clear...
    7. DraconisDomini

      Why I think quality is better than quantity in terms of design and tactics

      In terms of quality versus quantity, you are missing what is known as 'Lanchester's Square Law' (Armoured Warfare, Lanchester's Laws). Two ships are better than one ship, since in order to survive the single ship has to kill both of the opposing ships, whereas the two ships only have to kill...
    8. DraconisDomini

      Starmade 40k Ship Index (Work In Progress)

      Some great looking 40k/BFG ships, I really ought to come back on Starmade40k more, I think I'm on at rather different times from most people though. In the mean time I'll just leave this here
    9. DraconisDomini

      Omega Draconis Heavy Industries

      I'm working on making a little stats sheet like the ones Thalanor uses, as it is so much better than writing it out in a paragraph. In the mean time I thought I would post a few quick pictures of what is to come
    10. DraconisDomini

      Snataris Colonial Fleetyards - NEW: HoloSuite Ultimate Edition

      Cool. Also, that iris shutter is awesome! Way better than the blast-door logic one I made for my warp gates.
    11. DraconisDomini

      Snataris Colonial Fleetyards - NEW: HoloSuite Ultimate Edition

      That kind of 'nestled' turret setup is what I have always wanted to do (but is really difficult with the old square docking areas). I think I'm going to be redoing the turrets on a fair few of my ships after the new update backs it out of dev build (I figure I'll wait as otherwise I might end...
    12. DraconisDomini

      Council Survey Thread: FINAL ROUND

      That was my thought. My weapon proposal is not going to stop people building a giant cube of death if they really want to, but it would mean they would have to put some effort into their giant cube of death, not just spam blocks. To an extent it's not even going to stop you just spamming...
    13. DraconisDomini

      Council Survey Thread: FINAL ROUND

      Some interesting results starting to emerge. On weapons, I noticed a fair few other people suggesting some sort of law of diminishing returns as a break on giant super-weapons/doomcubes. Personally I favour keeping DPS linear with the number of blocks, but have the power requirements increase...
    14. DraconisDomini

      StarMade Mandatory Ship Aesthetics

      I tend to agree with Kaamio, I appreciate some of the ideas, but I'm not overly enthusiastic about the framework presented taken as a whole. The idea of having system properties partly determined by their size/shape rather than simply their total mass is certainly a plausible addition and might...
    15. DraconisDomini

      CIR - Term 1

      I've made a little gif animation showing the round by round stats and how the votes get redistributed as people are eliminated if anyone is interested.