my current construction theory:
1. i build the internal spaces (ie crew quarters, computer rooms, central logic, core room, ect)
2. on this i mount the power generation systems
- docked power, usually in the excess of 10 separate systems
- these pump power back into (1) wich will contain its own reactor and masses of capacitors
- my current 200m ship is set to have near 12 million power generation for some perspective
3. i dock another thing onto (1) which i simply call the beam
- the beam runs the entire length of the ship, and is almost entirely shield recharges (1:1, recharge:capacitance)
- the beam is usually the inner most part of the ship, and this practically impossible to hit
- the beam protects the power (2) and internal spaces (1) and is for all intents and purposes a blanket that covers those 2 areas in its shield recharges
4. onto the beam (3) i start docking turrets, weapon systems, jammers, salvaging, ect.... basically everything that does not need to be attached to the main ship core
- this lets it drain the beam for shields (and the beam itself never runs out)
- all docks are inside the beam itself, preventing silly things like turrets popping off because a stray shot hit the turret dock
5. i select the beam (3) again and build the first (or inner most) layer of hull blocks, these basically hug evry internal system and are the last line of defense vs hull damage via shields
6. onto the beam (3) i dock 4-8 seperate entities, each entity has a ion, punch through, and piercing effect, as well as their own high capacity/low recharge shield
- these are what make up the external hull of the ship
- computers are placed inside engineering space inside (1) and can be manually turned on from there
- contains own power to run systems
- makes for insanely tough outer armor
7. add cosmetics, docking bays, retractable observation deck, drone racks, ect as needed
that's my design theory for my current generation adv cruiser prototype
i usually keep in mind the bounding box of the ship, but i build armor to match systems rather then vice versa
currently im up to stage 4, it takes a while to build the necessary hedgehog of turrets, missiles, ect...