I think it will be hard to force lazy users to not make cube ships. There is no purpose to use any other shape. In real life, shaped armor/hull can reduce damage, because bullets or missiles have more chances to slide sideways than penetrate.
And i don't think we should force anyone to build ship with certain shapes instead of the shape we don't want them to build. It's limiting and we don't like limits (in creativity)
Adding a mechanism of bullets bouncing off the armor would probably greatly increase CPU usage and make this game even more laggy.
Also shields are really broken in this game, and whatever you do to balance it, there will be always a way around it. I would see something like regenerating hull rather than magic aura around entire ship and it should be relatively easy to implement. Simply add some regeneration to hull heath. Old shield block could be used for temporary shield, hull regeneration or health boost. Bigger amount, stronger effect, but also bigger power usage and longer countdown time before you can use it again.
This magic aura prevents the need to repair the ship after every minor battle. It would be nice to have a way to repair the ship not inside buidling mode (there most likely would be an overhaul to repair beams), but anyway i don't want to loose blocks every time i get into any fight.
For me the shields work as they should, of course later they should be balanced, as right now they've got a buff to make battles last longer, but that should be done parallel to ship's health update.
Sometimes I think Devs are lacking creativity, and only copy ideas from Sci Fi movies... If it were up to me, I would delete shields entirely and redo armor functionality, which I did partially once as an experiment using block config file (get rid of shields, boost armor value in hull blocks and ship core), and fights were far more enjoyable.
Copying ideas from other sci-fi titles whether they are from movies or games means that the game can take all the best ideas and combine them to make as much immersive universe as possible.
We are used to certain archetypes: middle age theme has bows, swords, armor and usually magic, while sci-fi genre has lasers, shields, FTL and big space battles. Making something much innovative could be fresh, but not necessarily fun to play.
Armor would have some purpose in the game, probably increasing overall health of the ship, but nothing's certain right now.
And well, Devs know that they can't make everyone happy with their values of variables in config file, so they've made it customizable, so everyone can have the experience they wish to have.