WS WinterShade MK1

    WS WinterShade MK1 1.4

    I must express my deep admiration for your masterpiece of a spaceship, sir! :D
    This is a true work of art. Highly sophisticated construction throughout - and I really know this, because I walked through almost every part of the exterior and interior, and inspected all details with great attention. Your style of building perfectly matches my personal OCD-related standards. It's orderly, original and realistic... beautiful geometry everywere, neat, stylish interior, nice texts on display modules and a lot of clever functional ideas. When viewing your YouTube-exposition of the ship, I had at least ten moments when I went "Incredible!" (the core room design was particularly interesting). The engineering is just marvelous and the general mood of the interior puts me in a mindspace as if I were inside some of my favorite mysterious Sci-fi movies... To conclude, wonderful job, friend! This build inspired me to creat a similarly styled mining drone carrier, that I will probably start building today :)
    When your mining drone carrier is done let me know and I’ll do a ship showcase on it.
    Ship looks cool but when i try to import it it says there is an error and it does not work as with other .rar files for me
    You don’t have to import the latest version. It’s a zip file that contains 2 versions of the ship. One with all docked entities and a plexdoor version. Just unzip to you blueprint folder.
    Honest review:

    Did about 2 hours of testing on it yesterday, well worth the time. Great eye on detail and i dont mean just hull texturing. It ticks all my boxes when to comes immersive content. All animate doors, Lots of logic, the weapons are scaled accordingly albeit limited strike capabilities like a carrier should. Docked shield battery, all the needed facilities are included. Sponson turrets in full barbette mount. Our buildstyles are alike. After weighing all the pros and cons. Interior top notch. Exterior really nice please put more pictures on the dock especially the engines. Systems are relative to what it needs. Took quite a beating to overwhelm the shield regen its very adequate.
    Turret count is low for a ship this size so it will end up having some serious issues with 360 degree ams coverage and reduction of blind spots.

    All in all worth your downloads. I would emplore all people to actually test the ship and not comment based on first impressions. My standard might be high and not to sound elitist I rate this higher then some of my own ships. A standard must be kept and ships can fall short of it. Im very much not in favour of a 5 point voting system, so 8/10 from me. Keep up the good work Tshara
    vary nice