Oh man this is one sexy ship.

    If I may request for the upcoming patches
    - Maybe a camera on the bridge for a commander view.
    - inner ship remote for the radar dish.
    -Needs more AI turrets+++ Pirates on my server are a threat and this flagship needs to protect itself while the crew sleeps, bobby has requested more guns.
    -The hanger door is way cool but I think if could look better if it had logic and had track, that the doors open and close.

    The ocelot has a door the moves out then under if you want to see how he does it there.

    Also the Airlock doors I would love to see a moving door in this area. Plex doors are, meh describes my feeling on them! :)

    This ship is a great command ship. It sits well in my fleet armada.
    I'll see what I can do, but if I remove systems to make space for logicky-raily things it might cripple the ship's ability to, be a ship.
    Nice looking ship but its not in sment. If you could repost it as sment you will get more people to download it and know how to use it.
    Gotcha. I'll do it in just a moment.