Sisters of EVE Astero: Standard Edition

    Sisters of EVE Astero: Standard Edition 2.0

    Really like the customization hardpoints. I added a pair of turret rails on the wings, at the center of the semi-circles; I'm not really sure where the turrets are supposed to go but that gave my turrets a very nice firing arc (360/270 almost).

    Ship feels a little slow and sluggish for a frigate but I think it's supposed to feel that way. Not really sure how to make it as fast as I would like to short of just swapping large swathes of advanced armor with standard.

    Looks spectacular. Am planning to ride into battle and will try to convince my factionmates to do the same. Have taken a stray heatseeker volley with it; the wing widgets are very well placed to soak significant amounts of damage.
    So much tetail
    10/10 would ride into battle
    this makes my attempt at this ship a stuffed toy that just got run over by a combine harvester...great work 5/5 i can't imagine anyone making it more look accurate.
    I forgot gravity modules. lol. update incoming.