Raider-Regulator Type-2

    Raider-Regulator Type-2 V-3

    Regulator Type-2 Class Raider

    Job: Pillage weaker ships, Anti-Weakling, Big bully to weaklings
    Mass: 294.7
    L/H/W: 38m/12m(18m)/27m
    Power: 20,362.4 Regen: 28,147.2 e/sec
    Thrust: 306.7
    Shields: 31,932 Regen: 1,764 s/sec
    Weapons: 20 WKC Arrays (5,269.9 DPS), 6 Murder-Lock Missiles, 2 Blackjack Turrets
    Cost: 3,199,373 Credits

    After we heard that Those fools at Crimson Corp had moved shop we did the same. Can't let our best source of steal-able tech go. So with our new stuff we decided to upgrade the old Regulator to compete with the new boats that those Crimson chumps keep releasing.

    Aside from a nice hull expansion we added as many AMC arrays as the new generator is able to handle without blowing up. we also Added some Murder Missiles to chase after anything that gets in your sight. More shields keep you behind intact while you blow away someone else's. Finally we've installed our brand new Blackjack Turrets for added Carnage.​
    First release
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    2. Swag Upgrade: V-2

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