M-306 Vindicator Class Frigate

    M-306 Vindicator Class Frigate 1.0

    Excellent ship: shape, salvager, cargo space, weapons, interior... all is good!

    Dock is difficult, if you want a constructive criticism.

    My favorite ship to fly across galaxy.
    Captain Fortius
    Captain Fortius

    Yeah, dock's a bit strange. It'll make more sense when I'll upload the station it was meant to be used with.
    In the meantime, pickup rails and zoomed out free-camera mode can make docking easier.
    Really great looking ship. My favorite part is it's similar enough to my fleet ships that I can slap a coat of red paint on her and add one or two of these beauties to my armada.
    very nice !! great job ^^
    This is a nice personal cruiser.. I really love the super speed salvage.. I enjoy calling in my fleet to smash a pirate base then salvage up the blocks.. It is cathartic. :) This ship makes it fun and stylish!
    Nice ship !