CRT Caravan

    CRT Caravan Mk 1.4

    This is a great ship, do you have a youtube or an explanation of how it works. The building of the up and down of the platform, and how its all placed together maybe a skeleton model of it in a similar evolution to test it, for other builds.
    Thanks! sorry, I don't make videos of starmade, just Lego stuff, but I learned how to use rails from Bench's videos. I'll try to explain how it works, but it would help a lot to see some of his videos first.
    There are two buttons in the core room, one button with a rail block facing up touching the button and another button with the rail facing down touching the button. The buttons are connected using "v" to the long rail for the rack, and will change the rail to whatever direction rail is next to the button. I used an activation block touching the bottom of the rack rail which will turn on when the docked rail reaches that point. The Activation block is connected to a wireless block, which is connected to another wireless block on the rack. the wireless is connected to a button which is connected to each of the rail blocks on where the crates dock. When the buttons activates, it will undock the crates. To activate it from the hotbar, there are some remote blocks connected to the buttons in the core room, which will activate the button from the hotbar button.
    Looks great, i'll try it.