Adamant Deep Space Mining Cruiser

    Adamant Deep Space Mining Cruiser V2a Turrets

    Bro Star Manufacturing is pleased to introduce the newest addition to the Warminer family. Meet the Adamant, Deep Space Mining Cruiser.

    The Adamant DSMC was designed with a singular goal in mind: To spend extended periods in distant locations, and return to the homebase with a sizeable payload. A powerful Mining Array, generous Cargo Hold, a substantial amount of Shields, further bolstered by a full bank of Ion Defense, and topped off with a potent Primary Jump Drive, all help the Adamant to fulfill its intended purpose. The Adamant is nothing short of an inpenetrable Salvage Fortress.


    -Main Mining Array consisting of 77,850 Salvage Modules and 77,850 Beam Modules, arranged 50+50, to instantly delete all but the most massive of asteroids from existance itself.

    -Secondary Mining Array consisting of 1850 Salvage Modules and 1850 Cannon Modules, arranged 25+25. Useful for clearing up random scraps of asteroids, or if the game engine is crapping out again and draining all of your Power because it thinks that you are still firing the Main Mining Array 10 seconds after you have stopped firing it, then you can fire this one instead and not run out of Power.

    -Cargo Hold with 756k of storage space for hauling large amounts of goods and services. Does that number not mean anything to you? Think of it this way: You can put like 5 planets in this thing, and still have room for your personal effects.

    -Dual-Layer Cargo Bay Door which features an inner Blast Door in the event that the Main Bay Door should ever be lost or misplaced.

    -Logic Display HUD on the primary camera informs you of how full your Cargo Hold is, in increments of 10%.

    -A Transporter Pad to instantly teleport you to any other pad in the Sector.

    -A Loading Elevator to the ships Officer Bridge, Officer Quarters, and Atrium (you get to decorate it yourself).

    -Ion Defense Matrix, to double your Shield strength at the touch of a button.

    -Power Auxiliary to double your Power generation, surrounded by its own shielding.

    -A Lag Switch to undock the shielding of your Power Auxiliary.

    -A variety of weapons with which to defend itself from greedy looters out to plunder its booty.

    -Ion Beams fired from the attached Laser Pods.

    -Vertical Launch Swarmer Missiles on a Logic Clock. Used in conjunction with the Lag Switch, can make everyone in the known universe sorry they ever met you.

    -Blinking Lights in the Core Room to indicate whether or not you have successfully shut down the Logic Clock Swarmer Missiles. IMPORTANT: DO NOT EXIT THE CORE UNTIL YOU SOMEHOW MANAGE TO TURN THESE OFF.

    -Logic Display HUD on the Primary Camera also informs you when Swarmer Missiles are active or inactive.

    -A "Primer Missile" consisting of 1 Missile Module and 1 Beam Module to work around the bug which requires you to misfire a lock-on missile array before it will allow you to lock-on. Note that this also works while it is on cooldown.

    -Horizontal Launch Beam Missiles and Pulse Missiles.

    -The Adamant also features a Main Railgun Array contained within the Primary Mining Array. This comes standard equipped with Punch-Through Effect.

    -A Rapid-Fire Cannon Array complete with Armor Piercing.

    -A variety of Turrets, utilizing some strange sort of quantum entanglement electromagnetism antigravity floaty thingie. Our leading technicians assure us that "The blue lights definitely have something to do with it."

    -Several Punch-Through Railgun Turrets.

    -Dual Ion Railgun Turrets at the business end of the Primary Mining Array.

    -Numerous Anti Missile Turrets scattered around the ship, with Cannon+Beam systems to account for how a lot of servers increase ship speeds to ludicrous but leave AI Accuracy and Projectile Speed unchanged which renders traditional Cannon+Cannon AMTs useless. Feel free to exchange these to suit your individual needs.

    -Many of the Adamant's Turrets feature Gatling Rockets, intended to overwhelm enemy AMTs and provide screening for your heavier missiles to reach their targets successfully.

    -Newbies infesting your server? Teach them a valuable life lesson with The Adamant's 21 "Blackjack" Cruise Missiles in the starboard docking bay with Rail Logic Controls. Faction the Warheads, Fleet them up, and then remotely send them off to 2,2,2 to grief newbies while you go afk to make a sandwich. These can be operated from the Core via Inner Ship Remote, or from the Torpedo Room, should you desire the satisfaction of personally witnessing their launch.

    -A Torpedo Room where you can perform maintenance and operation of your Cruise Missiles. This room can only be accessed via Transporter.

    -Cruise Missiles can also do massive damage to Titans that don't bury their Power Auxiliary deep enough. This will completely ignore Shields. Additionally, AMTs will ignore them, and 'Target Selected' Turrets will be overwhelmed. Once you run out of newbs, try firing them at Titans instead, the results could be impressive.

    -Cruise Missile reloads can be easily mass produced with our Early Access Beta Autoloader which doesn't actually autoload anything but it's still easier than crafting them one at a time.

    -Area Trigger doors to most of the rooms so you don't have to click on them.

    -Automatic Gravity when entering the ship via Dock or Transporter Room.

    -Blast Doors to cover the windows in combat situations which can be operated via Inner Ship Remote.

    -Strategically placed Armor Wings to protect the Ship Core from angular attacks.

    -Black Crystal Armor Slabs covering the face of the Core Room so you don't accidentally break anything.

    -Swarmer Shelters built into the Bridge, complete with their own Cameras affixed to the hull of the ship itself. Officers onboard may take refuge inside of these when Swarmers start flying, and can even quickly access the Ship Core to assume direct control of the Ship in the event of a surprise attack.

    -An Anti-Personel Turret guarding the Core Room.

    -Public Restroom with showers.

    -A ventilation system above the restroom which you can climb up into and creep around in.

    -A Rave Room where you can get jiggy with it.

    -Universal Standard Dock on the left-hand side allows for quick and convenient docking to any other ships or stations which have compatible docking collars. Do note that due to Magnetic Area Docking (MAD), both ships will dock to each other, whether they want to or not. This can create amusing scenarios with your frenemies, particularly if your ship is larger than theirs. (u MAD bro, literally).

    -Blinking Scanner Lights that you'll probably have to fix every time that you log in. This can be done from the "Light Maintenance" room.

    -If your server does not have a 1,000,000 Block Count Limit, (or if you don't care), you will find some additional space to further customize the Adamant's systems to your individual preferences. You may also choose to fill the Bridge Officer's Atrium with various plants and other planetary surface souveniers of your various individual adventures.


    - Block Count: 1,000,001 (Passive-Aggressive set to 'Standby')
    - Mass/With Turrets: 106,160.203/107,479.5
    - Length: 170m, Height: 79m, Width: 254m
    - Thrust: 51,230.102
    - Thrust to Mass Ratio: 0.5:1
    - Power: 60,000,240.8 Capacity - 2,500,058.5 e/sec Recharge
    - Power Auxiliary: 12,413,069.7 Capacity (ON: 1,908,904.5 e/sec, OFF: 381,780.9 e/sec Recharge)
    - Primary Jump Drive: 100,533 - 9 Secondary Drives 1 Module each
    - Shields: 20,000,124 Capacity, 750,007 s/sec Recharge
    - Armor: 10,595,800
    - Structure: 48,800,040

    (For some reason the Main Mining Array keeps falling off the hotbar, and may need periodic replacement).

    adamant2a.jpg adamanticethrust.jpg Adamant4.jpg Adamant5.jpg adamantwarpcore.jpg adamantcatscan.jpg adamantraveroom.jpg adamantloading.jpg adamantrestroomvent.jpg AdamantHall.jpg
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